Not What He Expected

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Elliot was used to one way of life, one way of thinking. He never questioned it, until late May, senior year. For the entirety of that year, he bad been planning to ask Dawn to the senior prom, but he came to realize that he honestly wasn't that into her. Sure, she was pretty, kind, and intelligent, but for some reason he just couldn't make himself romantically attached to her.
It was all so confusing to him. He was straight, right? ...Right? Yeah... Straight. Definitely.
A couple of days later, he met up with his friend, Jasper. The topic of the dance came up.
"So, asked anyone out yet?" Jasper asked.
"Not yet... I don't know, man. It's complicated."
"Yeah... I mean, if nothing works out, we can always go together,"
Elliot blushed. "Wh-what?"
Jasper looked away. "A-as friends, I meant... Yeah. Just friends..."
"Oh... Yeah." Was that... Disappointment? He tried to shake the feeling off. He didn't even understand why it was there. Jasper was just his friend, it's always been like that.
"Anyway..." Jasper cleared his throat. "I'll, uh... Catch ya later?"
"Yeah, okay. See ya."
Jasper walked off, hiding his red face from Elliot.
"What just happened??" Elliot asked himself, not sure he was ready to know the answer.
Senior prom drew nearer and nearer, and Elliot still didn't have a date. He couldn't ask Dawn, he had been too late. She was already going with Lucas. He sighed. It couldn't be that hard to get a date, it seemed nearly everyone had one.
He wasn't sure if Jasper had a date yet. Ever since their last encounter with the conversation about prom, Jasper had done his best to avoid Elliot. Jasper was really the only friend he had, and now he felt more alone than ever. Elliot decided that the next week, he would play a little game of 'find-and-corner-Jasper-and-get-what's-up'.
"Jasper!" Elliot shouted as he spotted the... Actually kind of attractive-looking... Teenager as he ran down the hall. Elliot ran towards him and started a chase through the hallways. Finally, Elliot had Jasper pinned against a locker.
"Okay. What's up."
"W-what do you mean?" Jasper said innocently, adjusting his glasses.
"You know exactly what I mean. Why have you been avoiding me?"
Jasper bit his lip, then did something completely unexpected. He cupped Elliot's face in his hands and kissed him, before running off, embarrassed, and leaving Elliot standing dumbfounded, still staring at the lockers where Jasper had been standing.
That's it, Elliot thought with a smile on his face. That's who I am. I know now. I'm so, completely gay.
Yes, Jasper and Elliot went to prom together. As more than friends.

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