Prologue- Keep Going

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AN- I don't have someone proofreading my fic so excuse any errors. Constructive criticism is welcome!

Lelouch couldn't keep going, his legs were increasingly shaking, his breath getting quicker, his stomach growling in anger. But he had to keep going, if they got caught here then eveything was for naught, he would be dragged back to his majesty and his sister discarded in a useless marriage. No, Lelouch had to keep going, the harbour was one of the last zones still being held by the Japanese after Genbu's death. If he could get out of Japan before the border's closed, they would be safe.

"Big brother? You sound tired, maybe we should rest" Nunnally suddenly spoke, Lelouch hadn't realised she was awake else he'd hide his weaknesses better.

"I'm fine Nunna, you know what i am like with exercise, besides it's only a little further" Lies it was 5 miles away.

"Where are we going anyway Ni-san?" ah, the question he didn't want to answer. He knew Nunnally was aware they were not going back to Pendragon, the snippets of comments she heard as they departed had shown her how welcome they were back 'home'. But he had never said to her directly.

"To the docks, Nunnally, we are leaving Japan" Lelouch tried to keep his voice gentle, he tried to hide the uncertainty in his voice. He had lived in Pendragon for Christ's sake He KNEW how to put on one hell of a pokerface, but that was for the vipers that call themselves nobles. He had never done it to Nunnally, he had never needed to, the amount of lies he began to tell his sister was growing and he was forever perturbed about it.

"Are we going home?" ah, she was doing it too. Trying to hide the hopeful tone in her voice despite knowing the answer. When had this become their relationship?

"No" Lelouch said "I'm sorry but it's too dangerous, without mother and the Ashford's we would simply be sitting ducks"

"I see" Nunnally attempted to keep her voice level, had Lelouch looked at her face, there would surely be a pout present on her face. He was almost thankful that she was on his back and her disappointment was mostly concealed to him. Disappointing Nunnally cut him like a knife and he despised lying to her. They were all they had now, and it was up to him an 11 year old child, to make sure they survived.

"where are we going then big brother?" He didn't know, other Britannian colonies? No, they would be found out. He could go to the Chinese Federation or the EU but both powers were liable to pressure from Britannia. In the Chinese Federation, they would stick out like a sore thumb and that would not go unnoticed. They would fit in the EU better especially if they went to England but if anyone asked questions about his cursed eye colour then he and Nunnally would soon be handed over.

That only left smaller nations which were less stable but also extremely liable to Britannian pressure. They could hand him and Nunnally over to avoid invasion, he could not let that happen.

Where on earth could they go?

Suddenly it hit him, Zilkhstan, the nation that had a bad relationship with Britannia and would unlikely work with them in any capacity. Plus they accepted Britannian citizens, it was perfect.

"Somewhere warm Nunna, you'll like it" Nunnally only burrowed closer to him in response, it was clear she was anxious.


Finally they had arrived at the docks, Lelouch knew he had to sneak on board, the Japanese would not let Britannian kids on their escape ferries. They were the enemy after all.

"Nunnally I need you to be very quiet for a bit, it might get a tad uncomfortable but we have to leave Japan"

Lelouch looked at various cargo trying to figure out what he and his sister could hide in.

"Scram kid" A burly guard approached him wearing a tattered uniform, suddenly he stopped dead "ah, it's you"

Lelouch froze, they had been found out. Perhaps what was left of the resistance would attempt to use them to get an island of Japan or something, he tensed ready to run.

"Where do you want to go kid?" huh, the guard wasn't being as abrasive as before

" Zilkhstan" he surprised himself with his honesty

The guard hummed and looked over his shoulder

"there's a boat at the end of the dock that's going there, the crew go on break in 10 minutes, wait for them to leave then sneak onboard, there's a panel by the door you should be able to move slightly, hide in there and don't get out until they arrive in Zilkhstan. Here i suppose this will have to last you the journey" the guard passed him his own lunch

"You are helping us? why?" Lelouch could not believe someone was helping them, not after all Britannia had done

"You were friends with the Prime Minister's kid, I used to guard the shrine. I know you had nothin to do with all of this"

"I...." lelouch spluttered, his brain completely empty for once

"thank you for your help, we will never forget this. I am sure you will be blessed for your kindness" Nunnally of all people said, coming to his rescue

the guard just grunted and waved them on.

and so they did just as he instructed.

The boat started up and Lelouch could feel them pull away from the harbour... they had done it. They were going to get away from Britannia, away from the Imperial Family and away from his father.

"Goodbye Japan" Nunnally muttered

Part of him was sad to leave, Japan had been a lovely place in that brief period of time where Suzaku badgered his father to move them to the main house and they peacefully played around the shrine, but that time had long been shattered. Suzaku was now in hiding as a fugitive with his family, and he was running with his tail between his legs to a nation that hated his family.

He knew that things were not resolved now, in fact things had only got harder. He and Nunnally had nothing, no money, no identification (that they could use, Lelouch had long since abandoned their documents referring to them as royalty) and he barely knew any of the language. None of that mattered though because he was going to survive, there was no other option.

"Well then, I suppose I should make the most of it" 

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