chapter 1..

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"What's happening to you, Plex?" asked Foofa. 

"Oh, nothing. I'm just bored." Plex said.

"Luckily for you Plex, you are never bored." said Muno.

"I know, I just feel my wires feel very sweatful," Plex said, rubbing his eyes. "I feel sleepy too."

Plex peeked at a book his buddy Brobee was reading. "It's. So. HOT!" Plex says.

"Why, Plex?" asked Toodee. "I thought you liked hot weather,"

"I do," said Plex. "But why is it the use of a book Brobee's reading, without pictures or conversations?"

"Oh, Plex," DJ Lance said. "You probably know some books don't have pictures or conversations either."

"Yeah, Plex," Brobee said.

"Ok, I'm gonna rest in my bed now." Plex said.

Plex went to his bed and covered himself up with his pink polka dot blankie. He had his plush bunny Loppy in his hands, wondering why it's so hot today.

A rabbit named Peeve was sitting in its locker. It started to gone weird as Plex's eyes moved silently. The rabbit pulled out its scissors and got out of its locker. Soon it got its red hat and its jacket. Plex tried to jump up and see what it was doing not quite such a thing. The rabbit got out a pocket watch and said, "Oh dear, oh dear, I shall be too late,"

Soon it ran away.

"Sir, please..." Plex said. Then he ran out of his room, but soon opens his backyard door. Plex went out the closet and ran after the rabbit as fast as he could. Into the woods he goes after the rabbit.

But then the rabbit disappeared.

Plex tried to find it but it was nowhere to be seen. Then he found a hole under the tree.

Plex looked inside the hole.

"Hello?" he asked.

Soon he ended up being falled inside.


"OH MY! WHY DO I HAVE TO ENCOUNTER THIS SILLY RABBIT?!!" Plex screamed. Everything seemed to be in fast motion as he fell. "After such a fall as this, I shouldn't be nothing but tumbling down the stairs!" Plex cried.

He literally turned upside down. "Everything looks.... different, to me," he says to himself. "I... I sorta feel like I'm going to a new country... like Canada... or the Philippines."

Soon he came upon a jar which is labeled ORANGE MARMALADE. "This looks like it's empty, but, no more jars for me." Plex said to himself, minding his own business. "Excuse me? Is this New Zealand or Australia?" And so, but then, he saw a mirror and it looked like he was rightside up. "I wonder if I fell right through the Earth? Where should I land?"

"Brobee will miss me very much," Plex said. "If he was down with me, we'd be having milk at tea time! Oh Brobee, I wish you were down here with me..." Soon, Plex fell into a deep sleep, and was dreaming consciously of him and Brobee, walking together, and talking together. 

About 4 minutes later...

"Now Brobee, if you ever saw some party in your tummy, would you, party in your tummy?"

The fall ended and Plex fell into a huge pile of leaves. Plex wasn't really hurt to be honest, but he looked up at the ceiling, and it seems that he has been falling for like a long time. Then he stood up, and then saw a really curious room, and lights of ceilings on the roof. "Where am I?" he asked himself for a strange reason. Soon he founded out to be in a small room of doors.

Plex tried to open every single door, but they were all locked. So he began to be depressed.

"I wish I had a key." he wished.

Soon he found a glass table with solid glass. There was nothing on it but only a golden key. "I think it might fit to one of the big doors!" Plex thought. He grabbed the key and tried to put it in every keyhole but either the keyholes are big and the key is small.

"NOT!!!" Plex cried.

Then he began to get even more depressed.


Soon he found a tiny curtain about 15 inches high. He looked inside and found to surprise, a tiny door. Plex tried to put the key into the keyhole and it did fit. He opened the door.

To his surprise, his antenna began to glow. There he founded a beautiful lovely garden outside the little door with those pretty fountains and stuff.

"I think I might fit into the door!" Plex said to himself.

But he couldn't even fit his head through the doorway.

"If I weren't kinda like my age, I'd fit my shoulders through the doorway instead of my head! I need a thing that could lemme shut up like a telescope, but what?"

Soon he turned around and found a bottle on the glass table. Plex walked to the table and putted the key down. He read the label and it said... "DRINK ME!" Plex said to himself, "It's been very well as if I were to say drink me! But I have to see what it might warn me. Though it is pretty not marked POISON."

Plex looked at the back of the bottle. "Let me think.. if you turn it to a burner kit, then that should've burn your hand," he says to himself. "And I don't think this is pretty much marked cauliflower." Without thinking and wasting time, Plex ventured to taste it. "It kinda tastes like cherry tart, custard, pineapple, roasted turkey, and hot buttered toast!" he says in delight.

Soon he drank up the whole bottle and kinda felt himself weird.

"WHAT A CURIOUS FEELING!" Plex screamed (again). "I MUST BE SHUTTING UP LIKE A TELESCOPE BEHIND ME!" Soon he kinda like was about 10 inches high. "Now I know how to call a candle, what if I burned it together?"

Plex ran to the little door but the door wouldn't open.

"*gasp!* I better not left the key on the glass table." Plex said to himself. And then he found the key on the table, again. "THE KEY! I FORGOT THE KEY!" Plex cried, so, he tried to climb up one of the table's legs. But they were too slippery, so Plex fell on one of them. He literally sat down and bursted into tears.

Soon he stopped and looked down onto the ground as he wiped a tear.

All he saw was a little glass box with a tiny cake inside.

Plex opened the box and found the cake marked EAT ME.

"If I eat it, I'd grow back to get the key! And if I grow small, I'd creep under the door. And I'll be lucky to get into the garden!" Plex thought to himself as he began to eat it.

Soon, he patted his head.

"Which way? Which way?" he asked himself. Soon he found himself, changing size.

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