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I didn't think Romeo was serious about going out but once he called me last night and invited me out, I was sure what to say and what this meant.  Nonetheless I didn't say yes fully until I had a word with my mom and of course she had to call my dad.

They both said yes surprisingly and apparently my dad sounded actually really okay with it.

There was only one problem.

I didn't have the chance to talk to Dario.... but I mean did I need his permission too?

Was he gonna be...jealous? or was he okay with me hanging around a boy my age especially his nephew?

Questions...so many questions ran through my mind.

Romeo said the restaurant was fancy so I made sure to dress appropriately, I decide on a light baby pink short cocktail dress along with some dainty white heels.

For about ten more minutes I gawk at myself in-front of the mirror and run my fingers through my long straight hair just to make sure all the baby hairs were flatten and then I was ready.

There were days I knew I looked good and this was one of those days.

It was now about seven and Romeo had already told me he was picking me up at seven-thirty so I quickly make my way out my room and walk downstairs to head to the kitchen but instead of doing just that I stop and my breath hitches when Dario pulls open the front door, coming in.

His eyes immediately wander to the dress, to my feet and flickers them back up his face immediately hardens but most of all he was confused and it was written all over his face. "Where are you going?"

My lips instantly seal and his brows only furrow as he waits for my answer, I shrug as a sigh escapes my lips. "I'm going to hang out with Romeo..."

"Today." his eyes wander back and forth with a expression that screamed no fucking shit.

"So you're going on a date?" he asks low and just because its low doesn't mean it still isn't harsh, I only know he's mad when his Italian accent sounds harsher and heavy.

I gulp and shake my head. "No its not a date we are just going to eat."

"Sounds like a date." he mumbles "Who said you could go?" his brow raises again.

My mouth opens to respond but my mom beats me to it as she enters the foyer. "Amore," Dario turns around quickly. "She can go, she asked her dad" she softly says and he only turns back around, looking at me and slowly nods.

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