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Memories from last night hit me extremely fucking hard this morning, Santino taking me in the fucking bathroom, calling Dario while Santino fucked me. God. I needed to call Gianna and tell her what in the hell went down but most importantly, what was I gonna say to Dario?

As the day goes on I hadn't spoke to Dario at all and it was nothing new he was angry, it was written all over his face last-night. This morning he ate his breakfast in silence and walked out of the house not even uttering a word to mom and me? he completely ignored my presence.

I walk back upstairs and lay in bed, deciding to call my dad and talk about when I get to come home because surely I was ready to come home now, I just can't stand being here anymore. Not around my mom and definitely not around Dario its already so fucking hard trying to stay away from him.

I dial dad and bring my phone up against my ear letting the phone ring for a couple minutes, debating if this was such a good time because he was usually busy during the day. I was close to hanging up until I hear my dads voice ring through the other line. "Hey baby how are you im sorry I was in a meeting."

"Oh, im sorry If you want ill call you later." he chuckles quietly, "No no its fine tell me what have you been up to? i've been thinking about you."

"Well I went to the club last night with Romeo I had a lot of fun it was definitely well... needed." he hums, "Thats good baby so everything's good then?"

My lips purse momentarily before just fucking it and asking, "Well...." he sighs, "Well? talk to me"

I sigh before continuing, "Its about to be three months dad and to be honest I think I'm just ready to be home." my finger instinctively comes up to my mouth and bite nervously down as the phone falls into deep silence.

"How about I come get you this weekend then si?"

My eyes instantly light up for the first time in a long time. "Really!?" I exclaim with more reassurance and he easily chuckles through the phone. "Yes really let me just talk to your mom about it but yes i'll come and get you."

After the fantastic news we ended the call much later and it was close to dinner time, Dario called apparently and said he wasn't joining us tonight apparently he had a lot of things to do.

I didn't mind, truth be told I didn't wanna see him anyways not after last night. So it was just me and my mom tonight and it was awkward, the silence was easily telling my everything I needed to know. My dad called her.

"So your dad called," I look up catching my moms eyes and swallow the remaining food down my throat to avoid talking with a mouthful. "Yeah he told me he was gonna call you."

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 |𝟏𝟖+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now