Mercury is highly poisonous, especially it's cooking.

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"Dinner is served, darlings!" Freddie shouted.

Roger came rushing in and sat at the table, followed by Brian and John. Freddie placed a massive bowl of... stuff... On the table. He then proceeded to serve everybody. Brian and John just looked at each other whilst Roger dove in.

"I don't feel well..." Roger moaned.

"Neither do I..." Freddie replied.

Brian and John felt fine. Maybe that was because they pretended they had to go and see a friend in hospital, and got out of eating the sludge Freddie had spent three hours making.

Freddie rushed out of the room whilst Roger couldn't wait and was sick on Brian's shoes.

"Ugh. Let's take them to the hospital." Brian said to John.

"Agreed" John answered.

After prying Freddie out of the bathroom, Brian drove them to the hospital.

"Well, Mr May, Mr Deacon, your friends seem to be suffering from mild food poisoning. They should be ok if they take this medication," The doctor said.

"Are you sure? To me it seems like..." John started.

"Mercury poisoning!" Both Brian and John exclaimed together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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