Chapter - 13

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This is an small Jeonglix chapter. For those who like Jeonglix, im gonna include Jeonglix in my book :)
)Just for awhile though! Not gonna focus on them fully as this is an 2Min book. But if you do want me to include them in my book please inform me :)
Thank you! Continuing...

Nobody's POV:

Seungmin opened his eyes to see, it was someone he knew, it was not Minho but someone else.

"FELIX!?" Seungmin yelled, "SHh!!!-" Felix whisper yelled to Seungmin.

"Where have you been!?, How did you get here?!, Are you okay!?!" Seungmin whispered worridely. "Hyung i am doing fine! I guess.." Felix mumbled the last two words.

"First of all how did YOU get in here?!" Seungmin asked, they continued to talk in a soft tone. "I will tell you how later, let's get out of here!" Felix pulled Seungmin's wrist but he pulled it back, "Felix! You must leave this place first, its dangerous" Felix eyes widened. "Are you crazy hyung?! I am not leaving you behind!"

That was when they heard a knock on the door and they turned their head in sync and looked at the door nervously.

"Seungmin?! Are you okay in there? I heard yelling!" Minho shouted from outside the door. "Yes! I am okay, I will be out soon!" Seungmin screamed back, "Alright be quick!" Minho walked away.

"Felix you have to leave right now, please, do it for me.." Seungmin whispered. "Alright fine. Promise me you will be back soon?" Seungmin promised they both smiled at each other softly.

Felix slowly opened the window and slowly climbed down, running in a unknown direction as fast as he can.

Felix's POV:

I ran as fast as i can into the woods, 'who would own a house here? im lowkey terrified what if there are monsters living here?.. I hope Seungmin will be okay...-' I thought to myself while running.

I turned my head around to look and there was no sight of the mansion, I panted and was out of breath. It was quite dark in the woods as the trees are blocking the sunlight. I fell down on my knees, gasping for air.

Just then i saw a shadow infront of me, "I haven't seen a human that i dont know for quite a few years now," a bold voice said, i looked up to find a man with white hair but some highlights of grey and a black suit on, looking down at me.

Nobody's POV:

"What..?- W-who are you.." Felix stuttered. The person crouched down to look at Felix's facial features. His eyes wandered around Felix's face.

"Yang Jeongin." He smirked staring into Felix's eyes, Felix was confused and scared, he slowly moved behind using his palms to push him back.


A/N: Felix is younger than Jeongin in this ff, sorry but i had the urge to change their age. Felix is 20 and Jeongin is 20, Felix is a few months younger than Jeongin. Sorry, i literally changed every memebers ages-


Jeongin usually wanders around in the woods, (he does have a house, but its even more further away from the mansion) he only attacks the mansion if Seungmin is alone but Minho will always ruin his plans which annoyed him very much. He can change his mood really quickly, right now he was normal and didn't want to be 'crazy'

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