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The birds chirped in the trees as the cats of the forest began to stir.The dawn patrol went, the hunting patrols went, and then they came. The day went as normal, well normal for everyone except a young black and white apprentice. His name was Ravenpaw, and his mentor was Tigerclaw. Ravenpaw knew that Tigerclaw wasn't like his clanmates. Tigerclaw seemed almost evil. It was obvious to Ravenpaw that Tigerclaw didn't like any of the ThunderClan cats, especially the leader, Bluestar. So, a few days later when Ravenpaw and Tigerclaw went out on a mission against RiverClan, he saw something he wished he hadn't seen...

* * *

Ravenpaw raced into the ThunderClan camp, panting hard as his wide, fearful eyes stared around at all the cats looking at him. He crouched on the ground and squeezed his eyes shut, the scene replayed over and over in his head and he shook his head, desperately trying to stop the frightening images.

"Ravenpaw? What's wrong?" Graystripe asked as he raced up to Ravenpaw. Ravenpaw was shaking like a leaf as he crouched on the ground.

"Ravenpaw!" Ravenpaw jumped when he heard Bluestar's voice, and looked at her. "What has happened?" she asked the cowering apprentice. Ravenpaw gazed around at his clanmates with his frightened eyes, not answering Bluestar. "Speak, Ravenpaw!" she demanded as Ravenpaw looked at her with his wide frightened eyes.

"R-Redt-tail's... Redtail's dead..." he stuttered as tears started filling his eyes. Everyone stared at him in shock at what he had said. "W-we met a RiverClan patrol, Oakheart was with them. T-Tigerclaw told him t-to keep their patrols on their own territory. Oakheart said h-he would do anything to feed his Clan, then they-" Ravenpaw collapsed on the ground and all the cats watched as Spottedleaf, the medicine cat, carried the black and white apprentice to the medicine den. Everyone was in complete shock. Redtail was dead.

* * *

Now, you may not understand why the death of Redtail is important, but trust me, it is very important. Redtail was Bluestar's deputy, and a deputy is like a co-leader. Can you guess how Redtail died? Comment who you think did it and then find out in the next chapter!

List of cats who could have killed Redtail:

From RiverClan:


From ThunerClan:


Not a great list, I know. But I wasn't given a lot of warrior names to work with when information about Redtail's death is given. So, you have to choose a team.

Team Oakheart


Team Tigerclaw

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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