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Daniel's POV

      " The Dust Bowl was a period in time where the America, as we know it, was completely  engulfed in dust." Mr. Hanson, the history teacher, spoke as he stood in the center of the classroom with a PowerPoint aiding him. It was too early for this and I found myself tuning him out as he trailed on about the events of the Dust Bowl. It was 8 am, and I couldn't care less about when, what, or how this event took place. I just wanted to go home. School was a drag and it didn't help that it was a Monday; just my luck.

      "Can anyone tell me the cause of the Dust Bowl?"He said scanning the classroom as a few hands shot up excitedly awaiting to answer the question. I swear it was the same group of 5 students who always did that. A bunch of kiss ass nerds if you ask me, wanting to be the teachers pet so bad. That was also something that annoyed me. I found myself looking out the window at my desk in the back corner of class with my head in my hands trying to keep from falling asleep. When does this damn class end, I swear I've been in here for an eternity. I sighed

      "Daniel?" I heard my name being called bringing me back to reality.

      "Huh?" I said plainly.

      "Could you please share with the class the cause of the Dust Bowl?" He said

      "Nope." I said popping the 'P' and slouched in my desk. He looked taking aback.

      "Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly?"

      "N...O. What part don't you get? All these people with their hands raised and you wanna call on me. If I wanted to answer the dumb question I would've raised my hand and you can clearly see my hand not in the air, so like I said no." He widened his eyes

      "Mr. Mendez there is no need for hostility, all I ask is you answer a question."

       "And like I said, I didn't raise my hand." He held the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Could you just answer the question, I don't have time to stand here and go back and forth with you."

      "Then I suggest you sit down." I pointed towards his desk. I could see the agitation growing on his face, but I didn't give a damn. Add that to the list of things that annoy me:Teachers who call on people who obviously don't want to be bothered or trying to get a kick out of embarrassing them. Like, leave me the hell alone. He let out a low breath, possibly trying to keep his composure, but I had enough.

      "I don't know why it's so hard for you to answer a simple quest-"

      "Because I don't fucking know or care about the damn Dust Bowl or how it happened, just leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled, earning a few gasps from the students. I slouched back in my seat and crossed my arms across my chest and looked back out the window.

      "Mr Mendez you watch your mouth when you're talking to those of authority," He growled pointing a dusty finger towards me, " you know what I've had enough of your outburst and disrespect," he went towards his desk and began writing on a piece of paper, "DETENTION!" Was that supposed to scare me or something? I couldn't care less about getting detention, I've been in there enough times to know that it didn't do anything & besides I'm cool with the detention lady, so I didn't care. Out the corner of my eye I seen a hand raise and wouldn't you know it, it was one of the people from the nerd squad. Shocker. A mixture of glasses, braces, hand-me-down clothes, a bad hair do all wrapped up in a girl that I didn't know the name of.

      "Yes, Dolores?"

      "I would like to answer the question." Mr. Hanson face brightened up.

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