★ Chapter 9: Lloyd's experience with Chen and Brad ★

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A.N.  Also just wanna say that I'm pretty sure that that is Brad with Lloyd in the picture and I'm really happy! By the way, this is all mainly Lloyd's POV but I might do a Brad POV or a Chen POV during this chapter. I have an explanation as to why I haven't been working on this chapter and that will be at the end. Also I think I'm going to update all of the chapters to be set out like this one after I have written it so if you see anything like that, it's just me updating the chapters. Enjoy!

Bold = first person thinking

Normal = general writing in first person thinking but just more noting what is happening if that makes sense.

Italics = speech

Lloyd's POV:

I wonder what Brad whispered into Chen's ear earlier. I'm really curious. I wonder when he's coming back. Hopefully not soon. I don't really want to deal with that right now. Maybe if I can find a way to escape?-

My thoughts were cut off with a slam. Chen had opened the door abruptly and strode in. Brad followed in with a cheeky grin. I don't want to know what they're up to but I'm probably going to find out. 

 "Hello, Green Ninja!" Chen sang.

 "You do know I have a name, right?" I fired back. Chen looked unamused.

 "Yeah yeah. I don't care though. More fun to call you that ssssso you remember that you're the Green Ninja and I captured you!" Chen laughed.

"Not going to lie, I generally don't care. To be honest, I didn't even think about that." I said as a matter of factly.

 I could see Brad trying not to laugh. I'm having doubts that he doesn't not like me at least in the slightest. He still seems himself when I see him. Sort of like he didn't want to betray me but I guess that's how it is sometimes. 

 "Oi! Greenie! Come back to earth!" Chen ordered, childishly angrily (if that makes any sense). 

 "Oh, I zoned out. Sounds about right." I said, "whatever you were saying was probably boring anyway."

Chen looked mad but he seems to have calmed a little. Brad looked like he was about to burst out laughing. 

 "Sssure, sssure. Anyway! I want to know where Pythor issss, and you're going to tell me." Chen ordered.

 "And why should I? What do you have against me?" I asked. I generally don't know what he has against me if I'm being honest.

"Well, I have my amazing sssson, now don't I? I'm ssssure he'll get ssssomething from you. I'm going to leave the room sssso I can give him time. I don't have any camerassss becausssse I trusssst you Brad and I can't really inssstall any camerassss here anyway. Okay? Good."  Chen said.

 Hmm, I wonder if Chen really trusts Brad that much. I haven't actually seen a camera in here and I've looked in every corner before trying to plot my escape. Maybe whatever Brad is going to do is what he told his father earlier.

 "Oi! Lloyd! Greenie! Stop thinking!!" Brad demanded, trying to get Lloyd's attention.

 "Oh, right. What is it?" I questioned, coldly.

 I can see that Brad looked a little hurt when I said that but I don't care.

 "Alright, no need for that. But..." Brad said. 

After saying that, he stopped and looked around. He seemed relieved and turned back to me. He suddenly became really serious and cautious.

 "Listen, Lloyd. I need your help. I'm really sorry about what happened. I had no choice. Skylor may have shown her betrayal against our father but we planned that. We had also planned for this. I assume that she would have already told the others by now but I wouldn't have been able to escape as easily. I can get you out, as long as I can come too." He quietly explained. 

I think my face is showing how surprised I am because he chuckled a little. Almost nervously by the sounds of it.

 "I know it's a lot to take in and you may not believe me but please. I want to leave. I don't want to be near him anymore. I know you may not believe me but you're a ninja. And ninja save people. What I'm saying is, I need saving and I need help." He pleaded.

 "How can I know what you're saying is true? You could just be plotting something so you could betray me again. You whispered something in Chen's ear. What was it?" I asked, "Actually, never mind. I don't want to hear anymore lies. I'll just wait for my friends to save me."

 "I understand. I'll text Skylor and she'll tell the others where you are and they can save you." He said as he walked to the door. "I truly am sorry. I know why you don't believe me and if I were in your position, I would think the same."

And with that, he left the room.

Brad's POV:

I knew he wouldn't believe me. I understand though. I have to tell father that he said Pythor is at Gregory Fort Prison (I made it up. Don't question it, we're going to pretend it's a real prison in Ninjago city). Hopefully he'll believe it. I have to be quick. I need to text Skylor and maybe they'll be able to get Lloyd out of here. There's no hope for me anymore.

 "Father! Lloyd told me that Pythor is at Gregory Fort Prison. I'm not exactly sure if that's true but we still need to check." I told him.

 "Well done, son! Tell me, how did you do it?" My father asked. 

 "Now, now father. I never tell my techniques, now do I?" I replied. "Well, I'm going to stay where I'm sleeping for the while. Tell me if you need anything."

And with that I sped off. I need to text Skylor. I don't know why I couldn't have told Lloyd all at the beginning. Oh wait nevermind. I do know. He would be tried to get me out of there but that isn't the plan. Me and Skylor have worked on this plan for years. As much as I love being friends with him and that, he can be a little too nice sometimes and he would try to pull me and Skylor out of it. Our plan could get father sent away for good. It's too good. I just wish I didn't have to betray him. 

Okay, I'm here. Just need to text Skylor.

(Btw they're texting quickly and it's easier so some spelling will be like that. Yk, like how people text with their friends.)

Texts with Skylor:

CopyingRedHead:                                                                     Me:

 He dont believe me. U lot need save him

I figured he wouldnt believe. We will be as fast as we can. So where are u?

Old serpentine base. The ninja will kno

K. We will there asap. Make sure u're ready


A.N. Hello! I haven't been updating for like a week bc honestly I have been playing Ooblets on my switch. Sorry! But it's here now and I'm not proud of it but my brain has already been used today. Next chapter is the ninja POVs during the time of which this chapter has happened. (If that makes sense). Soon the next chapter will come, hopefully. 1219 words.

Edited: 01/08/2023

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