Love:the worst and best thing that ever happened to me By:sonayah charles

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Chapter 1:

"Sweetie!! Don't forget your lunch!! Oh and your backpack!! and---!!" *sigh* "Mom!! Just because it's the first day of school doesn't mean you have to bombard me with stuff!," Tanasia said frustrated. Her mother sighed,"I'm sorry i guess--I'm just so pressed about this ever sinve what happened --*sniff*." I sighed to myself. I know my mother was worried about me afters my car accident that caused me to lose memory for 2 months. I recovered though, thank God. I can remember everything crystal clear now. I know my mother loves me and I love her. " Sorry and it's okay. I guess I'm kinda overwhelmed that's all." I had a slight headache so i rested my head on the table and closed my eyes. When i opened my eyes it was 7:00. School started at 8:00 so i haf a whole hour to relax. I smelled something good. I smiled. It was probably one of mom's special breakfasts for my first day of school. This day was just about to get better...............after I ate that delicious breakfast of course. Haha!

Chapter 2:

I had just gotten in the car with my BFF Princess. We had. been friends since Pre-K. Her mom liked to drop us off on the first day of school of school. Other days we just walked. I decided to set off a good reputation by wearing a attractive but non-dirty looking outfit lol. I wore a rippled/sparkly/frilled/colorful shirt.....LOL, with a black body fitting mini skirt and some sparkly toms. I also added a leather brown Tyler Rodan shoulder strap book bag/binder...haha. I then applyed some mascara, pink grapefruit lipstick and lip gloss and to top it off a slight touch of powder. Mwah!! Perfecto!! Jackpot hit someone today!! Haha!! I was so busy admiring myself in the mirror that, I didn't even notice that Pri(short for Princess) AND her mom were calling me. "Tanasia!!!!," said in unison. "Huh?!?.......oh," I said startled. Then we all started laughing. I got out of the car and said goodbye to Pri's mom. Then me and Pri plastered our faces of a bad girl on and did the bad girl walk. Hahaha!!! I could already see grinning faces looking at us and i could hear the boys whistling with satisfaction. Lol sigh. This day was gonna be so much fun. I couldn't wait to get into school and show off my bad self. LOL HILARIOUS.

Chapter 3:

As soon as we walk inside my group of pop friends run over and squeal over our girgeousness. LOL. "Brb guys. Gotta get soms breakfast to get my juices flowing. Hah!!," Elena says. "Okay"we all say. You see, when you think of the word "Popular" you think os sluts, slobs, and ghetto talk. Well we are not that kind of popular. We are the smart, sporty, humorous, fashionista type popular. We are theawesome type of popular. Then there's the boys. They 're the same as us just--boys and...scratch the fashionista part. LOL. The bell rings so we all get up and walk to our beautiful lockers. Yes they are beautiful............

Chapter 4:

So we walk into class and see the most awesome thing ever. Dylan Hills!! He's in OUR class!!! Score!! I have a HUGE crush on him...........don't tell anyone though. At first i thought i was about to faint, buy then Pri told me to get myself to together while laughing at me. So i had to snap out of my beautiful daydream. *Sigh* He's just so perfect. But I vow to stay single so i have to compose myself.(*groan*) But I still go over and sit right beside him..........of course I would. Pri went to sit in front of me and gave me the wink. Mr. Almendo walked in just as we sat down. "Good morning class. I'm Mr. Almendo i will be your teacher for period 1 today. First why don't we introduce ourselves." So we all went one by one and then it was my turn. So like I said before bad girl face and bad girl walk switch on!!

"Hi my name is Tanasia Smith," I said proudly. "And tell us something about yourself Tanasia." said Mr.Almendo. "Well...."i said sarcastically " Im AWESOME!!" everyone cheered except Dylan because he was beaming at me and was by far shouting the loudest!!

Chapter 5:

"Hey. I liked your introduction speech" he chuckled. I whipped my head around to see Dylan standing there smiling at me."Thanks. I save my best performances for the beginning. Haha" i said blushing. " Yea. So umm--- do you want to sit with me at lunch?" He asked blushing and scratching his hair. "Sure. I'd love to." I said now blushing more than ever. "Okay see you at lunch then?" "Yep right on schedule heh" I said. Then he smiled and walked away to class. Swagger covering him all over.

Chapter 6:

Sigh. Dylan was so awesome. He invited me to sit at his table! But i can't date him because then I would not be keeping my vow of staying single.........or could I? Just this once? I could make my own decisions right? No. I--I can't do this. Questions........

questions............questions. Come on. Snap back to reality. Besides does he even like me?

Chapter 7:

The rest of the morning went by like a breeze swept across my face. All I thought about was Dylan. Oh no. Was i actually falling in LOVE with him? Can't I just date him once? Is that so hard to ask? I mean come on. Do you really think I can resist such a delicious, gorgeous boy?

I was so caught up in my daydream, I didn't even hear the bell ring for lunch. "Uh..Tanasia let's go its lunch break.........Tanasia!" Pri said. " Huh? Ooh yea lunch!" i said excited. " I've never seen you this happy about lunch before what's going on?" she asked confused." What's going on? Whats going on? What's going on is that I yes Mwa get to at....drum role please.....Dylan!!" I declared loudly. "Awesome!!----wait you LIKE him?" she said anxiously. " I don't like him I LOVE him!!" I said blushing. "Ooooooooo someone's got their first cruuuuuush!!" she sang. " So how did THIS happen?" she asked. So I explained the whole thing to her and boy did she have a LOT of questions.

Chapter 8:

I walk in and instently see Dylan sitting at the far right of the cafeteria. I get my lunch and started walking over but then my friends called."Tanasia where are you going?" "I got an invite to sit with Dylan"I smiled.

Chapter 9:

I go over to where Dylan is sitting and I see he's saved me a seat. "Tanasia over here!" smiling with his perfect teeth." Thanks for saving me a seat Dylan" I smiled sweetly. "No prob...I'd like you to meet some of my friends. This is Billy, Mike and--" "Me!! Brock!! Can't forget me!!" a boy in a yellow t-shirt yelled from across the table. "--Uh yes and Brock he's the one who convinced me to ask you to sit with us. He gets over excited" he chuckled. "Well...nice to meet all of you." I smiled. Knowing this was gonna be a fun lunch. "So you like Dylan? Are you in loooove?? Huh? Huh?" Brock said jokingly. "Brock!! Really!!" Dylan said and slapped him playfully on the head. I laughed these guys are so funny. We went on further into discussion about the first day of school and we all agreed that having no homework was fun. Then the bell rang for lunch to end so we all got up and started walking back to class. Just then I felt an arm stop me in my tracks. I turned around to find Dylan blushing at me." Hey um there is a party on Friday for back to school and I was wondering if you wanted to come as my date. I know this might be a little to soon since we just met and all but I--" I stopped him."Shh.. Of course I would love to go with you." I smiled. Then I gave him a hug and then walked off to class. He follwed smiling and I told him to wait outside until I gave him the signal to come in, that way we wouldn't be suspicious in any way. I went in sat down and gave him the thumbs up. He came in and sat down right nest to me. Then he passed me a note."Wait so does this mean we are bf and gf?? Cuz Im confused" it said. I replied,"Why not? Besides you are awesome!! I love you!♡♥"I passed it back to him. He replied,"Awesome!! I love you too!!♡♥♡♥.Can't wait till the party!!" This was awesome. I had a boyfriend for the first time in my life!!!

Chapter 9:

The rest of the day went by really dreamy like kind of. All I thought about was Dylan and Im pretty sure Pri was suspicious because she was looking at me like I was growing three horns at the front of my head. When the bell finally rang and when I got to my locker Dylan came up to me." Hey do you wanna come with me to the park to hang-out?" Whoa. Hold up. Did he reallt just say that?! I was so shocked that I forgot he was waiting for my reply. " Oh! Sure I'd love to!" Oh boy i was so excited!!

Chapter 10:

We walked down the path to the park a little ways from school. I followed Dylan up onto a high hillside that got a view of the whole park. It was like seeing Paris from the Eifle Tower."This is a nice spot" I said trying to start a conversation. " Yea I figured you would like it. I like to come up here after school and do my homework sometimes or even just sit and listen to the world." he smiled at me. I blushed. "Yea oh! Speaking of homework wanna work on it together?" I asked. " Sure. Let's get the hardest out if the way and start with math." " Okay" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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Love:the worst and best thing that ever happened to me By:sonayah charlesWhere stories live. Discover now