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(The Seamstress had captured Eight and it was about to give him to the B.R.A.I.N. Fifteen rushed to save Eight but..the spiderbots came to attack her Eight just watched helpessly as he saw how the spiderbots attacked Fifteen then he looked at The B.R.A.I.N. with no fear and then...he felt how his soul left his body..it hurted a lot...then everything went black..)
Eight woke up inside the machine surrounded by darkness)
8:what the-where am I...?*remembers what happened before*
am...I...dead...? wait¿where's Fifteen?
(Eight looked around searching for Fifteen but everything he saw was only darkness)
8: Fifteen!?... where are you!? Fifteen!*there was no sign of her*Fifteen...?(he started to feel pain..but not a physical pain since he was no longer in his body it was a inner pain..he slowly felt something he didn't felt before...fear..fear of being forever trapped in that darkness alone forever..)
8:Fifteen... i'm scared..where are you...?
(suddenly Eight saw a green light getting weaker and weaker..it was Fifteen's soul she was getting weak because The B.R.A.I.N.absorbed her strength)
8: Fifteen!*waves his arms to reach Fifteen*no..it's not over yet..! I won't let you die!..all of my strength...I will give it to you Fifteen..all of my strength..*kisses her*....
(Fifteen slowly started to feel warm but it wasn't an outside one it was an inner warmth but still she felt very tired..)
8:*sees that Fifteen is not waking up and tears up*N-No!...F-Fifteen.. please...I won't be mean to the others ever again..I won't use that magnet ever again..just don't leave...this is all my fault..I-I was selfish..and I didn't knew you needed me...please..¡¡please don't let this be goodbye!!...PLEASE..!*he started to moan and have tears*.....
(Eight started to cry louder and louder slowly the oxygen in his chest was running out...he couldn't even breathe he was drowning in his own suffering he started to remember all the times he was mean to Six and the others how he beated them up how Fifteen always told him not to do that how she always told him not to use that magnet she only wanted the best for him...she only wanted to protect him...and he didn't listened he only thought of himself the mere thought of that made him cry even more and more as he yelled with tears in his eyes)
15:*she was unconscious and suddenly she heard Eight crying so she woke up*...Ei-Eight..?
8:*he couldn't hear Fifteen's weak voice he just kept crying and screaming he was slowly running out of air*
15: Eight...?*puts her hand in his cheek*i-is it really you..?(her eyes filled with tears)
(Eight was about to faint since he had no air left in his chest after he cried too much)
8:*he finally noticed her*F-Fifteen..?*sobs*...
15: Eight!!*hugs him*
15:*sobs and comforts him*shhh..hey it's okay i'm here...don't cry...
8: I-I'm so sorry Fifteen I shouldn't have used my magnet I shouldn't have left you..I should've listened to you I shouldn't have been so stupid...!! and now...you're dead! because of me..!!*cough cough*
15:Eight..please don't cry..i'm gladd you're okay ...what happened it wasen't your fault...it's okay...
8:I wasen't there for you when you needed me..and now...now...*sobs*..
15: well..you're here now...
8:*smiles with tears in his eyes*... Fifteen..*hugs her*
*cough cough..* I need air...(he said with a very weak voice)
15:*hugs back* shhh there there*puts her hand in his chest*breathe in and out..
8:*breathes in and out*...th-thanks....
15*smiles and hugs him*
8:I feel safe when i'm with you Fifteen..
15: yeah..me too..*hugs him*
(They both hugged tightly to never let go again Eight felt warm inside while hugging Fifteen his inner pain dissapeared he felt peace while being with Fifteen the stitchpunk he always loved slowly Eight started to feel calmed as he heard Fifteen's heartbeat he didn't felt that peace before he felt one with Fifteen's soul...he felt at home..)
8:*suddenly feels very tired but relaxed*i'm a bit tired...
15: it's okay Eight you can rest..*pats him*
8:...I love you...❤️
15:I love you too...my beloved Eight..*kisses him*
8:*blushes*....hurrr.....*hugs her tight*(slowly Eight closed his eyes,as he felt Fifteen's warmth in his heart and soul...it was a very comforting he smiled and gave her a kiss while he slept comfortly in her arms..)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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