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A soft, mysterious voice broke through the void of nothingness, pulling me out of my slumber. I struggled to open my eyes and take in my surroundings, but all I could see was a blinding white expanse. There was no one else here except for me.

"Where am I?" I asked, bewildered as I scanned the blank space for any signs of life.

"A place between life and death, it seems," the voice replied cryptically.
I couldn't locate the source of the voice, but it seemed to be coming from all around me. A chill ran down my spine as I realized the gravity of the situation. Was I really teetering on the edge between life and death? My mind raced with questions and fear as I waited for more information from the unknown speaker.

My body felt numb as the words sunk in. "So...I'm basically dead," I muttered, my gaze fixed on the ground beneath my feet. Despite the shocking revelation, I couldn't muster any strong emotions.

The voice continued to speak, a mixture of amusement, interest, and confusion evident in its tone. "You don't seem bothered by this news. Most people who come here are overcome with grief or anger over their past regrets. Why are you so different from them?"

I remained silent for a moment, lost in thought. The air around us seemed charged with an otherworldly energy, adding to the surreal atmosphere. Finally, I met the voice's gaze and spoke softly, "I guess I've already made peace with my choices and their consequences."

"And do I have to? I mean... What's the point of wasting your tears and ranting about it?" I asked, my voice laced with frustration and disbelief. "We'll all die someday anyway.." I added with a shrug.

"... I see... So you're that type of person, huh..?" The voice responded, its tone dripping with judgment.

"That 'type'?" I repeated, lifting a brow in confusion at their comment.

"Nevermind what I said... Anyways, let's get straight to the point. I have other souls to speak to. Will you choose to move on to the afterlife, or do you wish to continue living in a different existence?" The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their implications. A different life...? The thought stirred a mix of emotions within me - fear, curiosity, and uncertainty.

"Of course," I replied, a quick response coming easily to my lips.

The voice chuckled, a hint of amusement in its tone. "Quick to respond, eh? Alright, what kind of settings would your new alternate world have?"

I paused, considering the question carefully. So I was given the opportunity to pick the settings for this alternate reality. How intriguing.

"I think something medieval and fantastical," I answered, surprising even myself. "There has always been a fascination within me for that time period. I want to experience what life was like back then, away from the chaos and stress of our modern society. Of course, as long as wars don't break out."

"Hmm, interesting," the voice mused. "So you prefer to explore the past rather than imagine the future?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "There's a certain simplicity and peacefulness in those old days that I find appealing. Plus, living in a countryside setting sounds much more conducive to my napping habits."

The voice laughed. "You are quite an eccentric one, but at least you're more entertaining than those who came before you. But I hope you wouldn't mind if I added some interesting adjustments into your chosen world."

Before I could respond, a paper suddenly materialized in front of me and landed on my lap with a soft thud. Confused, I picked it up and began examining its contents.

"This is a little gift before your departure," the voice explained. "Inside this paper are all the abilities, skills, and magics available in your chosen world. You may take whichever ones you desire--"

But before they could finish their sentence, I interjected firmly and without hesitation.

"I'll take them all."

The voice fell silent for a moment before responding in surprise. "Excuse me?"

I smirked confidently. "All of them."

A sense of excitement and anticipation filled me as I imagined the endless possibilities and adventures that awaited me in this new alternate world. This was going to be an exhilarating journey indeed.

"You're serious? If you are... Is that what you truly want? I might need one more confirmation before everything becomes irreversible."

"I'm serious." My words echoed through the dimly lit room, the heavy weight of uncertainty and doubt hanging in the air.

"... I see... Greedy for power, eh?" A voice spoke from the shadows, its tone laced with amusement and something else, something darker.

"No. I'm just too lazy to read it all... Besides, the idea of magic entertains me." My voice held a hint of excitement and curiosity as I responded.

"... You really are a weird kid, but oh well. If that's what you want, then it is what you'll get. Just sign your name at the bottom of the paper and you'll be off to start your new life." The mysterious voice chuckled softly before a pen appeared next to me, and I picked it up eagerly and began to sign my name.

Narukami Watanabe...

"Alright, Narukami... Good luck on your next life. You have my blessings." The voice seemed to fade away, barely audible as everything around me started to darken.

"Oh... And before you go... I hope you don't mind the few adjustments I created for you like I said earlier... Until then, farewell... Narukami." As the last remnants of light faded away, a sense of anticipation and unknown possibilities filled my mind. I had no idea what was in store for me, but I was ready for whatever came in my way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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