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World of Beyblade, very popular among us in Japan.
There thousand of bladers but there's only one place to be the strongest in the world.

My name is Velzard Lennox from Japan, I was born unlucky in my family. Father and mother treat me like I was not their daughter. My family was really wealthy from outside but inside it's feel like you were living poor.

At 5 my parents dead from plane crash, I move to my grandparents house. My grandfather notice I act very dull, I lock inside of my room and learn everything by myself.

At 8 grandpa take me to his dojo to train me and said "Velzard I'm not gonna be with you forever. Your grandpa is old and will leave you.  After you parent death... No I don't think you care about them" His words feel like a a new light set into my heart.

I don't know what's kind of feeling is this but all I know is that, I have to keep this feeling forever until death

Slowly I feel emotion and I saw kids play something call beyblade. Being interested I watch them play but they're meta is incorrect. I create my own bey with the help of grandpa old friend who is working as a blacksmith. With my calculations I create my first bey name Karna, heroes of charity. Without doubt I enter the tournament in Tokyo and easily won then move to nationals tournament at 10.

But lose in the final against The champion 3 times in the row name Lui Shirosagi. Lost against him only making me wanna recalculate my bey and fix it.

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