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Tissues/ bottom

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Tissues sat in his bed, he was supposed to be sleeping but his pills for his conDishShawn made him stay up a bit more then usual. And he hated it.

He was bored out of his mind he had nothing to do.

He closed his eyes trying to sleep. He rolled around in his bed left and right but he couldn't.

His thoughts were rambled on and he couldn't think straight.


He didn't have such a good day either so his mind was a bit hazy. He looked around his room and saw a picture of yin.

He blushed at the thought of him. Why does he always make him blush? He would never even like a person like him!

His thoughts rambled on and on, but all he could think about is yin

Ahh yes.

Young love. It may last for a bit. But have fun with it while it lasts.

He continued to suffer with his thoughts.

'why him!? Out of all people why him!?'

His face turned a slight shade of pink.

It's love, and you can't get rid of it. It's like a disease. It spreads everywhere, even in places you don't want it to spread to.

'he would never even like me..'

He soon got at least a bit tired and began to doze off a bit. He rolled around in his circle shaped bed. He put the pillow to his face. And screamed into.

He can't believe His mind made him in love again. And for what!? He loves a man who(?) is straight. Wow that's a sentence if you ask me.

Tissues continued to look around his room try to distract himself. He thought about yin and what they could do together, kiss, hug, even hold hands. But he also got another thought.

He thought about Yin (of course) and thought him touching him. But in a different way, he thought about him eating him out.

Oh how pleasurable that would be for him. Yin licking and sucking every inch of his wet clit. He'd feel so full and nice.

Tissues blushed, he was deep red, and slightly turned on. He shakily put his fingers on his clothed clit. His finger tips brushed against the little nub, and he twitched.

He began to rub himself slightly, getting pleasure at the slightest movements. He rubbed more, pushing a bit more

" Y-yin..~" " pl-please.."

He was Lucky his roommate wasn't there,(trophy, was it? Yeah.) He was probably with knife, he's been sleeping with knife for a bit.

Tissues then realized what he was doing and he sat there thinking for a bit.

He blushed and looked at his fingers there were slightly wet. He went to the bathroom and washed his hands. He looked in the mirror and saw what a mess he was.

"Okay, I need a cup of milk."

He tip toed down the stairs, careful to not make a loud sound. He walked down. The dark hallway and into the the kitchen.

And surprisingly, Yin, Yin was there. Tissues flinched. What was he even doing there!? It's 2:36 a.m!?

Tissues looked at what he was doing, it looked like he was doing (tissues) making a sandwich!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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