Tuesday 1993, Chapter one: In The Library (Jonny's POV)

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Today I was in the library, I've always enjoyed the library, it's quiet and away from people. I always like to go to the top floor and listen to CDs. I was just at the computer listening to my Radiohead CD (it was In Rainbows by the way) when this young man approached me. He first introduced himself
"Hello! My name's Michael! How about you?" He said excitedly.
I quickly replied with
"Hey, my name's Jonny" I said, sounding slightly irritated. He replied back with
"Oh, that's a nice name!" He said awkwardly, not sure where next to take the conversation. After a bit of silence, I finally replied with
"What kind of music do you enjoy? I have a few CDs here, if you're interested." As I say this, his eyes light up and he says excitedly
"Oh, sure! That sounds fun!"
I smiled at him and put in a CD, I gave Michael  the headphones and pressed play. The song was called '(Nice Dream)' by Radiohead, I'm in Radiohead, actually. This was one of our demo songs, a little tough around the edges, sure, but it had potential. If Thom knew I was showing strangers our demo songs, he'd probably kill me. He's even more shy than me about his music. I'm not sure what made me trust this 'Michael' guy so much, I just did.

As I plugged in the headphones and pressed play, he started bopping his head to the music, he then said to my surprise
"Is this Radiohead? I love their stuff!" He said happily, I replied, the shock in my voice being evident at this point
"Yea! It is! I'm surprised you knew that..."
Michael smiled at me and said
"Of course I know them! I loved their album 'Pablo Honey'!"
I look at him, surprised, but pleasantly so. I rummage through my bag to look through my CDs I had on hand...hmm...I decided to pick a single, the single was 'The Boy With The Thorn In His Side' by The Smiths, maybe he has better taste that I thought... I gave him the headphones and pressed play. After a few seconds, he started to sing along. His voice was heavenly, I could listen to it for hours...this is the moment I realised...I may have feelings for him...

Jonny JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now