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A/n: idk what to put here


"Oh, Hyo and Isagi!" Reo said running over while dragging Nagi by his collar.

"Are yous going to get a dorm?" Hyo asked tilting his head.

"Dorm?" Reo asked.

"Yeah! The school set up dorms, it's free." Hyo explained.

"Ahh, I see, why not?" Reo grinned making Hyo nod with a smile.

The four decided to go up to the rooftop to find a none crowded place.

"Are yous going to join the soccer club?" Hyo asked taking a bite of his sandwich.

Hyo looked over at Isagi, which Isagi in return nodded his head in response.

"Alright! Let's join together." Reo smiled, which Hyo nodded his head.

"Why exactly do I have to join again..?" Nagi mumbled.

"You have the skills for it, Nagi." Reo sighed, they've had this type of conversation too much.

"Mm." Nagi hummed not looking up from his phone.

While Hyo and Reo started going on about random topics, Isagi shifted himself over to watch Nagi play the game he was playing. They had small talks but not really conversations.

"And...that's how you play really." Nagi mumbled.

"Ah, I see, seems kinda complicated, but fun." Isagi said.

"Mm.." Nagi hummed in response, it wasn't that hard for him too learn and get good at.

"What class do you and Hyo have next?" Nagi asked.

Isagi contemplated for a second, before deciding to just pull his timetable out since he couldn't remember.

"We...have, music." Isagi responded.

"Oh, me and Reo have maths." Nagi mumbled.

"Me and Hyo had maths earlier, it wasn't all that bad." Isagi shrugged.

"I keep getting told off for playing on my phone in class." Nagi said.

"Well, it is a rule stating you can't be on your phone in class unless allowed." Isagi explained.

"Class is just boring." Nagi sighed.

"Can somewhat agree to that." Isagi nodded.

They stayed on the rooftop till the bell rang indicating you now had to go to class.

"Alright well, we'll meet back here at lunchtime!" Hyo said while running and waving while dragging Isagi with him.

"So what class do we have now?" Hyo asked.

"Music." Isagi responded.

"And...where's that?" Hyo asked.

"C block." Isagi said.

"Where's that..?" Hyo mumbled.

"Right next to A block." Isagi sighed.

"Oh, okay!" Hyo nodded.

They talked between each other while heading to music class, and once there, the teacher wasn't there yet.

"Isagi, Isagi!" Bachira called out and ran up to them.

"Hm?" Isagi responded.

"You know how to play any instruments?" Bachira asked with a wink, which Isagi didn't really understand.

"Uh, just the guitar really, nothing else." Isagi shrugged.

"Oooh! What about you?" Bachira asked turning to Hyo.

"Oh! I can play the flute and violin." Hyo shrugged.

"What about you Bachira?" Isagi asked.

"I can't play any!" Bachira grinned.

"Oh." Both Hyo and Isagi said at the same time.

Bachira just laughed and ran back over to 2 of his other friends, waving bye to the 2.

"He's weirdly amusing." Hyo chuckled.

Music started at it was, very loud, and chaotic, the teacher couldn't even stop them since they wouldn't listen, nor could they hear him anyways. Isagi was just on his phone while he watched Hyo play the violin.

Music finally finished and Hyo and Isagi somehow still had their ears attached to their heads.

"Goddamn they were very loud." Hyo whined.

"To the point the teacher just gave up." Isagi laughed a little, his attention still on his phone.

"What do we have now?" Hyo asked.

"English." Chigiri responded for Isagi, scaring the life out of Hyo whiles he's at it.

"Ahaha....thanks." Hyo sighed softly.

"You're welcome." Chigiri said.

They 3 of them had conversations between each other for a little bit, till they reach English, it was a rather boring lesson and Chigiri ended up sitting by them.








A/n: sorry...didn't have the energy to make this chapter at all so it's kinda bland yk...

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