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It took a while but Squad Counters had finally done it, they had been able to stop the Central Government from experimenting on Modernia. How you might ask? Got two words for you: Nikke Rights. With the commander’s ability to talk out the to the Nikkes despite them being ordered to capture them, convincing them they shouldn’t obey the Central Government for they may repair and create Nikkes but only for their own gains not saving humanity and thats how a rebellion led by the commander began, fighting for Nikke rights and they did indeed win the battle overthrowing the Central Government. The commander never liked taking lives but against the piece of shit who called Marian garbage? *There were more merciful ways of death and the commander gave her the most brutal way of death.*

We now look at a building where inside is the Squad Counters currently talking to each other.
It had been a casual day for the squad who despite now having their rights and being treated like humans still chose to stick together and fight for humanity. The sound of a door opening was heard as Neon had walked into the room after her long bathe in the commander’s room much to his annoyance after they had finally gotten the water supply in their bathroom working. “Hey look what I found in the commander’s room!” Neon had said in an very happy voice which sounded way too happy even for the Nikke.
“You shouldn’t be looking through the commander’s room Neon especially without his permission.” Rapi had said but her eyes betrayed her showing hints of interest in what Neon had found. While Anis and the former Marian now Modernia looked at Neon, the former with interest and latter with displeasure at Neon for both using the Commander’s bathroom and looking through his stuff.

Neon had put what she had found on the table and once they had looked at the item most were confused while Marian had stars in her eyes. “You got us all interested for this junk?” Anis had said while looking at said item.
“This isn’t junk it’s a Tape!” Neon had said pouting at Anis.

“And exactly what is this Tape used for?” Rapi had spoken confused why Neon was happy about a Tape.

“A tape is like one of those videos used in the phone s but with recordings.” Neon had said with an smile.

“And this tape is special because?” Anis had said with a confused look on her face.

“The tape was found inside the commander’s room and most likely has stuff like his time in the academy and maybe his childhood!” Marian had finally spoken after looking at the tape.

It was at that moment all the Nikke’s in that room had finally connected the dots with why the tape was special: It had belonged to the commander and probably had a lot of footage of the commanders past.
“Should we invite the others to watch the tape?” Marian asked which had now brought them to the question who they should invite to potentially ruin the commander’s life once they seen the tape.

Less then 2 hours had passed since that conversation and now in a room contained many, many Nikkes some who the commander had worked with before and others who had.. lets say ‘used their Nikke rights’ to uhh… let’s say do some funny stuff to the commander.

Where was the commander during all of this? Suffering at the ridiculous amount of paperwork on his desk in what used to be the Central Government’s headquarters before the rebellion. “I’m starting to wish I never overthrew the Central Government completely.” The commander had muttered out head on his desk.

Continuing on, The Nikkes after calmed down in the room where they had found with a television that could use the tape in.
“Will you hurry it up? Some of us have important things to attend to.” Dolla had said.
“Let Neon do her thing, It’s not like you fully chose to skip whatever you were doing as soon as we sent the message about the commander’s tape.” Marian had said in an nearly mocking tone at Dolla which the latter was now blushing.

After 5 whole minutes of wiring the television it was working as Neon had put the tape inside as the screen lighted up showing the commander……

Words 735

Intro Made by Ne0

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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