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"I don't need the enraged state to best any male. Master or not, I will defeat him."

He's doing this for me. He doesn't want me to be forced into sex, but I've made up my mind. I will protect him. Sheathe him deep inside me to unleash his potential.

It feels like the rotten walls are caving in, but no matter where I look, there is no escape. That idiot, Hull, has been here for a month. I have no interest in having the same fate.

Dee is afraid; afraid in my watch after I promised that I would protect her. And that only infuriates me further, because I gave her my word and I'm failing.

She's trying to be brave; to offer the cooperation to the ringleader that I physically can't.

I have been called a beast for a decade now. A freak of nature that transforms into a monster in the midst of the most intimate union two people could have. While fucking, I enter the enraged state and become a formidable creature. But no one ever had the power to do anything to judge and hate. I never gave it to them. I was the master of my own destiny, walking away whenever I so damn desired. But now, I'm caged. I'm the closest to being a beast that I've ever been.

"I know you're strong," Dee whispers. Her hands cup my face, and she looks at me with those fucking innocent, wide eyes, that I feel like a bastard for still having a hand on her chest.

"But I'm strong too."

I know she is, but she doesn't have to be. She shouldn't have to worry about being strong when I'm with her.
I shake my head. "I will not make you do this."

"Then I'm sorry to tell you I'm not one of the flowers in your garden, or a crop in your farm. I decide when to bloom or wither, not you."

(A/N: perioddttttt 💅)

Damn it all. There will be no stopping her.

I grit my teeth and yank the thin fur blanket off the bed, struggling to make it drape over the cells to cover our view. Once it's hanging, I strip my clothes off, and stand nude before her. Her eyes trail down my chest, flickering when they find my cocks. She has seen them before, but they're just as menacing as the first time.

I don't move a finger, staying still to let her do as she wishes. If she turns away–and I'm hoping she does, I will clothe and never speak of this again.

But my flower steps closer, reaching a hand hesitantly until her dark brown skin meets my red one. Even in this dark cell, it looks like such a perfect combination. Like we were made to be together.

She takes some time learning my body, her lips slightly parted and eyes alert as her hands roam. For a moment, it's like we're back on the farm and she's learning  something new.

She brushes her fingers lightly across my abdomen, so dangerously close to where I burn for her. My cocks twitch, having no reservations about our circumstances. All the twins care for is getting inside her, and thrusting until her walls are imprinted by their girth. Marked. Until she's so overfilled with her pleasure that both her cunt and mouth are gaped wide, full of cock and moans.

She lowers herself slowly, my cocks pitching higher the lower she gets. Her eyes are closed, and she's so short her face isn't leveled with my crotch. I almost step away then and there, but my cocks have gotten so heavy I'm weighed to the ground.

She leans her face in, brushing her full lips against one of my heads. Boiling hot seed swirls in my balls as desire surges. I grunt and lock my muscles to stop myself from bending her over and filling both her holes.

Her warm, velvet lips wrap around the first inch of my top cock, her sassy little tongue swiping the bottom of my head. I don't want to moan; to show weakness to the other men in their cells, but Dee's supple mouth leaves me no choice. She's sucking beads of precum from my cock and groans from my chest.

She keeps her eyes closed, perhaps intimidated by my girth. But with every little nibble, she gets more confident and swallows more of my length. When she reaches the middle of my length, stroking my cock with the back of her silky throat, I groan. She gags, and the contraction of her throat makes me wild. But it's how she grips my base with her hand, anchoring herself and refusing to flinch away, that nearly has me spilling.

She finds a rhythm, retreating to my tip before sucking me back into her warm heaven. Slowly, she sucks, smacking her lips whenever she reaches my tip to tease me. Her free hand finds my lower cock and strokes it. I tried to lock my muscles, but she melted my resolve one lick a time. Now, I can't help but rock my hips and fuck her mouth, tortured by the sight of her pretty little face stretched and contorted around my length.

This shouldn't be enough to unleash my enraged state. Only the vice grip of a cunt can armor masters with endurance and strength, but Dee is about to do the impossible with only her mouth. My cock's veins pulse furiously, and my balls twirch like they're keening to erupt.

With one last smack of her lips, I shout, and burst, filling her cheeks with my seed. She finally opens her eyes to see what she has done to me.

"Fuck!" I shout, my lower cock sprouting onto her chest as my upper one floods her mouth. I pull out of her, knees trembling.

Dee keeps her lips pursed, her cheeks full like she doesn't know what to do with the load. I snap my fingers under her chin, squeezing her cheeks to get her to spit it out. But my daring female is having none of that. She swallows, her eyes widening further, and the sight of her throat bobbing with my seed has my cocks jerking with a final rope of cum.

I fall to one knee, my shoulders heaving as rage takes over my body and spirit. Incredulously, Dee's mouth was enough to unlock my enraged state. My beauty has turned me into a beast.

My hands are trembling as I help her stand. I pull the blanket that's hanging and rip a piece off to clean her up.
Hull doesn't peer into my cell, my nudity probably detering him.

"Are you alright?" I ask her, my voice so dark it's unrecognizable.

She smiles, and although I want to pull her in my arms and lay in bed with her, my restlessness won't allow it. The enraged state has me pacing back and forth, pulling at the bars with all my might, but the hardened metal won't give.

Dee sits on the bed. The lines of stress on her face are fainter, because now that I'm in the enraged state, I'll be unstoppable on the arena. The ringleader will come soon, and I'll be ready to fight.

"They won't take you away," I swear to her, my thoughts jumbled. "They won't touch you." I can't produce many other thoughts. My instinct has me obsessed with the thought of keeping Dee with me.

"You're staying with me."


Small arms wrap around me, stopping me at least for a moment. I return her embrace and furrow my nose into her hair.

No one is coming for us. There's too much political turmoil for our leaders to care about us freaks. Fuck this planet. I won't only escape this hellish cell, but I'll leave the doors open to ensure the fire spreads and burns down the world.

I give up my life as a farmer. I will avenge Dee, who has been degraded. I will free every enslaved master, and together, we will make our own world.

The King  ✓ (Zolan Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now