{Makoto Tachibana}

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"What..? This doesn't make any sense!!" You exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. You slumped down, rubbing your temples. "Why can't I understand any of this?!" You whined to no one.

Looking into your room, Makoto saw you sprawled out on your desk, textbooks and papers everywhere. He immediately went into Mamakoto mode. You looked exhausted. He knew that you needed some rest ASAP.

"(Name)?" He entered your room, walking towards you. "Go away..." You whined, swatting your hand at him. "You need to rest!" His voice was full of concern. "Nooooo... I need to stuuuudyyyy!!!!" To be honest, you sounded like you were drunk and in dire need of sleep. Makoto sighed before picking you up and placing you on your bed.

Despite your protests, he tucked you in and made sure you were comfortable.

"B-but Mako! I have this huge project due and these tests and-!" He cut you off by sweetly placing a kiss on your lips.

"(Name), you have to promise me that you won't overwork yourself anymore! It's not good for your health!" He scolded lightly, not wanting to hurt your feelings. Of course, he understood what you were going through and that you had to make ends meet, but you couldn't keep stressing out over everything!

Finally agreeing to take a little break and catch some sleep, Makoto seemed satisfied.

Just when he was about to leave your room, however, you had one more request.

"C-could you... S-stay with me? For a bit?" You stuttered, face red as you basically just asked your boyfriend to sleep with you. Thankfully, however, he agreed, lying down next to you and pulling you close to him.

He was very warm and comfy, like a pillow. You snuggled into his chest more, enjoying his scent.

Forgetting all about your assignments and tests, Makoto's steady breathing and heartbeat lulled you to sleep.

{Stressful Days} Various Anime x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now