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 "...Taro extended his hand in kindness and offered assistance to the weary stranger. Gratitude gleamed in her eyes as she presented two small boxes, aged and weathered. 'Choose wisely, young one,' she warned, her voice like the wind through ancient trees. Now, the first box held a vision of ethereal beauty, a maiden fair as the sakura petals in spring. The second contained a creature of frightful mien, a demon with a mouth slashed from ear to ear."

"With a curious spirit, Taro chose the second box, unwittingly releasing the demon into the world. Yet, this demon was unlike the tales told in hushed tones by the hearth. Instead of malice, she spoke gratitude and pledged to test Taro's heart. By day, she took the form of a radiant woman, enchanting Taro with her grace. But when the moon cast its silver glow, she transformed into a fearsome demon, revealing her true nature. Night after night, the cycle continued, and Taro, perplexed yet undeterred, faced the unknown with courage."

"In the face of the demon's duality, Taro's heart remained steadfast. One fateful night, as the demon bared her monstrous visage once more, Taro embraced her without fear or hesitation. Touched by Taro's acceptance, the demon shed her fearsome form and vowed to stay by his side forevermore."

"Another one!"

"That one was so romantic..."

"A demon though..."

"Is that all there is to it?"

"Taro's crazy!"

"Tell us another story!"


"Another! Another!"

The storyteller laughed as he watched the children eagerly fidget in their places as they asked for another story. "One more story wouldn't hurt~" was his sly reply, and much to the amusement of the adults who sat a ways behind the children, he strummed his biwa and hummed thoughtfully.

"What story should I tell..."

His listeners looked on in anticipation as they waited for him to begin.

"How about Akihiko's Ten Trials?"

"You told that one last time!"

"The Silver Fountain?"

"We've heard that a million times!"

"Hmm," He thoughtfully plucked at the strings on his instrument as he tried to think of a story, "I've got it~ I have a story none of you have heard yet!"

His listeners questioningly looked at him and waited for him to continue, they were always eager to hear a new story.

"Mukashi mukashi..."

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𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂 (𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏): a strong desire to hold a person in one's arms

'How wicked, to take from me like this.'

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