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It is 1993 and it's a casual Friday at John Adams High school.

"Hey Charmaine wait up!" Valerie spoke and ran up to her.

"Yeah Val?" Charmaine said taking off her headphones.

"Guess who just asked me out to go on a phillies game!" Valerie squealed.

"Who?" Charmaine asked.

"Eric Matthews! Me! He asked me!" Valerie giggled.

"Oh! Well congrats. When's the game?" Charmaine asked.

"It's tonight!" She squealed.

"Val you promised me that you would be here to help me with my-" Charmaine said but got cut off.

"I know! I know! But please!" Valerie begged.

"It's Eric Matthews you know I have been dreaming of this." Valerie pouted.

"Yeah it's just Eric-. You know it's fine go have fun." Charmaine said and rolled her eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Valerie said quick and hugged her and ran off.

All that Charmaine could do was roll her eyes and turn around to see.

"Hello what's your name?" A boy asked.

"Charmaine." She answered short with him.

"Charmaine! What a lovely name. Can I get your number?" He asked desperately.

Here's the thing with Charmaine, she gets asked out by loads of guys so this isn't new for her, but she usually turns them down.

"What's your name?" Charmaine asked.

"Jason." He answered.

"You want my number Jason?" Charmaine asked.

"Yes! I mean if you-" Jason rambled but got cut off as Charmaine was getting a pen and grabbing his arm.

"Shut up." Charmaine said and started writing down her number on his arm.

"Thank you." Jason said looking at his arm.

But this one was different. He was cute and all over the place.

She walked off leaving him standing there in the middle of the hallway. All giddily and smiley. She then walked out of the building and went towards the middle school to walk home with her little brother.

Shawn Hunter.

She sees Shawn talking with his buddies and she yelled out.

"Shawn let's go!"

He bid his goodbyes to his friends and walked up to her.

"Where was the kid you hang out with all the time?" Charmaine asked.

"He got detention. Where's Valerie?" Shawn asked.

"She got asked out by Eric Matthews." Charmaine said.

Saying his name is just an eye roll.

"But wasn't she suppose to help you with-" Shawn said but got cut off.

"Yeah I know." Charmaine said.


Here's the thing about the Hunters, They don't live in some fancy rich neighborhood. They live in a trailer park, and usually in family you have a mom and a dad that'll take care of you. Yes they are there sometimes. The majority of the time they are out of town. So Charmaine has to take the role. Their parents have been out of town for about a week now.

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 || 𝑬𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒘𝒔Where stories live. Discover now