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"KIM TAEHYUNG." The name echoed in the beautiful cottage of Kim's. The woman shouted in her high pinched voice making the male groan in annoyance. Can't this woman let him sleep in peace.

Well, looks like no. She definitely can't and thus she shouted again.

"KIM TAEHYUNG, GET YOUR ASS DOWN. WE ARE HUNGRY GET DOWN NOW. OR BE READY TO SEE MY WRATH." She shouted again making the male greet his teeths. Looks like he really have to put some senses in that woman's mind.

"COMING MAM." He shouted back, throwing the duvet away from his body he sat up. Streching his limbs, he yawned softly. A dreamy smile came on his face as he remembered the dream. He was about to hug the handsome prince but this woman had to run the beautiful moment by her annoying voice.

Groaning in annoyance, he stepped down from his simple yet beautiful bed. And walked to get freshen up. Getting ready he wore his simple dress. To matter how simple he tries to look, he ended up looking ethernal in every outfit and that is what made his step sisters jealous of him.

But it's a saying, no matter how much you try to cover a iron with gold cover, it will still remain an iron and can't match the level of the pour gold.

Taehyung was the gold of their house and that was the biggest reason he received that cheap behaviour from his so called mother and sister. They never let him dress properly, never let him go out of the house, never let him meet outside people.

But the birds can't be caged for long, if there's a passion in someone they can do anything they want. And that is what Taehyung do. What if these three people won't let him go out of the house in the bright day light.

He can still sneak out of the house in the dark nights and do what he likes, roaming on the empty streets of the Hybe kingdom he can be a free bird. And that is one of the reasons he gets long scoldings and a series of curses from his dEaR moTHer, because staying up late at night made him wake up late in the morning. Just like right now, the boy is standing infront of the middle aged woman. Head hanged low, hearing the ear full scoldings while his sister are busy enjoying the free show.

"You piece of shit, do you know I am so hungry." Mrs Kim shouted, making tae roll his eyes.

"I know, your tummy is a deep well. No matter what goes in it,  it will still be empty." He mumbled to himself.

"Did you said something?" Lana, the eldest among the step sister of Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow. The male shook his head innocently.

"Come on now, go and make breakfast for us. My daughter have worked so hard from morning they must be really hungry." The woman spoke with a smile looking at the girls who tried to pout but ended up looking like a duck, that made tae Snicker silent. He nodded and walked inside the kitchen.

"Did work, must be tried. My foot, I know what work they did. The moment they wake up, they just put make up on their face and now after breakfast they will go to the Hybe market in hope of seeing my prince. Huh? They really think prince Jungkook would even look at them for more than 2 seconds." Taehyung spoke as he moved his hands making the breakfast.

Serving the three female their breakfast, tae walked back in kitchen to wash the dishes he used for cooking, he cleaned the whole Kitchen. The trio was done having their breakfast and the left overs were given to tae, who huffed mentally. The three woman walked out of the house to go to the market, to meet the prince.

As soon as the door was locked from outside Taehyung jumped in the kitchen. He took out the fresh breakfast he made for him, that he hid between the washed dishes.

He had his breakfast peacefully, washing the left over utensils, he started to clean the house. Humming a soft tune he danced with the broom he imagined as the prince. The birds which were his friends sat on the small window of the house, moving their head on the humming sound of the male.

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