Chapter 12

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A/N~ Well we're almost to the end, my question is, do i do an epilogue or leave it here with Fernando kissing the ground? What do you all think?

Fernando’s Pov

As I walk into the diner, I couldn’t help but scrunched up my nose in distaste as I spot Jared, just what the hell could he want to talk to me about.

I near the booth and just stand there; he raises an eyebrow as he sees I’m not taking a seat.

‘’What do you want Jared?’’ I muttered while reluctantly taking a seat.

‘’We need to talk to you.’’  I raise an eyebrow as he says we, is it finally happening? Is Jared getting Alzheimer’s?

I didn’t see anyone sitting next to him, and he seemed like he was suffering from dementia.

‘’Jared, are you in need of assistance? Do you need someone to change your diapers?’’ I question and he growls.

‘’Miguel better get here fast, or I swear I’m going to fucking kill you!’’ He sneers and I was going to chuckle when I realize what he said, he said Miguel.

‘’Explain to me, why would Miguel be coming here?’’ I narrow my eyes at him and he just glares at me.

‘’Hi bro, I’m glad you’re here.’’ Miguel chirps and I smile as I hug him, he then goes and hugs Jared and plants a big wet kiss on the lips.

‘’Oh, hell fucking no, what the fuck is going on? Miguel, seriously I know you have grandfather issues but come on.’’ I pipe and Miguel just stares at me.

‘’You better watch what you say to me.’’ Jared growls at me and I roll my eyes at him.

‘’I have the power to bring Brody back.’’ I widen my eyes, he was Brody’s boss, but do I really want to sell my soul to the devil.

‘’This is all kinds wrong, Miguel he’s too old for you.’’ I groan and Miguel blushes.

My Life, My Choice, My Prison~A hit man story~BxBWhere stories live. Discover now