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Miranda has always been used to bullies. She had experienced it a lot growing up as a child all because she was taller than most girls her age and therefore making her different. She thought that as she got older that the bullying would stop but boy was she wrong. Then when she got into her line of work, again believed that the bullying would stop but she was wrong once again.

She was getting sick of it all. Her colleagues have never seemed to like her. They called her a man due to her height and androgynous looks. They also didn't like her personality. She was way too bubbly for their liking so would tease and make fun of her. Some days they would ignore her all day even when she was trying to communicate with her colleagues.

You would like to think that she would just quit her job and find a new one but she has tried that before and the outcome would still be the same. For some reason she just couldn't make friends at work. So when she finally found a job she liked she decided to just stick around and deal with the bullying because she knew that if she left it would just start again at her new place of work.

To top things off she has recently been partnered with a new detective called Robin and for whatever reason they don't seem to be getting on well either. Miranda tried to be nice but Robin wouldn't open up and now takes every little problem that happens in the case out on Miranda and she was having enough.

There are some days where it all just gets too much and she thinks to herself what is the point? Why bother fighting anymore when all she gets back in return is hate. The only person who has ever been there for her was you.

You and Miranda have been friends since you were teenages. You met at high school after the two of you were partnered together for a school project. You honestly didn't think a friendship would develop between the two of you, not because you didn't like Miranda but because you were very introverted and she was very extroverted.

You were both considered outcasts by your peers and that was one thing you could bond over. The more time you spent with one another the more you realised how much you both had in common. Fast forward 10 years later and the two of you were closer than ever. You knew that Miranda was struggling mentally at the moment and you wanted to do your best to support her.

You knew first hand dealing with your own depression and anxiety that support was important. So therefore you made it your task to visit Miranda each night after work providing that she wanted you to visit and you weren't busy. It was always a fun night. Due to the amount of time you two would spend with each other you would take it in turns on who provided the drinks and snacks.

Tonight it was your turn. You had already received a text message from Miranda stating she really needed you to come round tonight. You were thankful that Miranda was your only friend so you never had to worry about plans clashing.

Tonight you decided you were going to order Chinese food which you would collect on your way to Miranda's for when she got off shift. You decided to order from your favourite Chinese restaurant Wing On. Your order was always the same, pan fried pork dumplings, crispy shredded beef, duck in plum sauce, beef chow mein, egg fried rice and of course prawn crackers which always came with every order.

To wash everything down you decided that a couple bottles of apple cider would do just nicely. You called the restaurant immediately knowing that you would have to wait to collect it. After placing your order you were told it would be about 45 minutes before you could collect which worked out perfectly. Miranda got off shift in half an hour which would give her time to freshen up after she finished her shift. You decided it was best to text Miranda to let her know what was going on.

[ You ] Ordered Chinese for dinner tonight. Will be ready to collect in 45 minutes so will pick it up on the way to your apartment. Also have apple ciders to drink.

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