5 ( END )

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Nunew's POV

I was about to leave work when someone pulled me by my arm making my eyes widened, he pinned me against a wall making me look up to him realizing it was Zee.

"Zee, what are you doing?" i whispered "Shh.." he said making me look around and then back to him. He looks at me for a second and then we heard Noise coming at the meeting room.. "What's that sound?" i said looking at him. A few minute's later we saw two men walking outside the meeting room, making me frown.

I took a closer look to see who it was from afar realizing it was Nat and Max making my eyes widened. "Why were they at the meeting room?" i asked as I look back to Zee who was looking at me the whole time.

He leaned in my ear whispering "Probably making out..?" he said making me shudder as he smirk slightly. "What do you mean?" i said, My eyes then widened realizing that Nat likes Max

"did Max finally confess to Nat?" i thought looking at them holding hands smiling. I frown, i look back to Zee. "Zee, would you fire Nat and Max if they're dating?" i asked as he look at me "I won't.." he said making me confused "Well, why?" i asked again "Their happiness is important too."

He said making me smile slightly "But that doesn't mean they can openly date in the office they still have to keep it a secret, He's my secretary also so.." he said "Let's just pretend we didn't see them, Hm?" i said making him look deep in my eyes nodding.

I then kissed him as he replied to my kiss, he then wrap his hands in my waist pulling me closer not breaking the kiss. The kiss went rough as he took the opportunity to push his tounge between the kiss making me moan softly.

A few minutes later he pulled away from the kiss as we both breath hard, "Zee.." i breathed out "N-not here" i said rubbing his chest making him lean his forehead against mine.

"You started this, I can't hold myself anymore once you kiss me again.." he said breathing out.

I then chuckled "Let's stop here now.." i said as he gave me a peck on my lips making me hum in surprise, "I'll take you home" he said making me pout

He noticed me pouting and then asked "What's the matter love?" he asked "Can I stay at your house for the night?" i said making him smirk slightly kissing my forehead making me giggle "Of course"

He said smiling "Let's go Na" He said holding my hand as I smile fondly.

We then arrived at his car as I get on the passenger seat, putting on my seatbelt, He then got in the driver's seat looking at me "Are you ready?" He said making me nod.

A few minute's later we arrived at his house, I then got out of the car as he did the same, we walked towards his house going inside. We both took our shoes off, Zee then went to get something making me frown

He came back with slippers in his hand "Here, wear these" he said "Okay" i said wearing it "Are you hungry? I can cook you food" he said

"No I'm not hungry" i said "Alright" "Come, let's go to my room" he said making me nod.

We then went inside his room as I look around as flashbacks went inside my head when we did it.. I started thinking dirty wondering what he might do when were alone.. I looked down as he turn his back looking at me.

"Hey.." He walked towards me as he caress my cheek making me look up to him. I don't know what got into me when I kissed him making him hum in surprise

I then pulled away slowly opening my eyes as he look at me "Ah, sorry.. I don't know what got into me" i said

He lifted my chin as he kissed me passionately, i then replied to his kiss, closing my eyes as I clutch his shirt tightly.

He then pushed his tounge in between the kiss making me moan softly, he then started walking making me walk backwards.

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