Caring Person

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Zhan was in hospital. His mind was wandering here and there when a knock on door disturbed his thoughts.

Come in...

Yubin came inside with some stuff in his hands. He put that on side table and sat down on chair near Zhan's bed.

How're you feeling??

Much better...

What are you thinking...I mean what you decided?

Regarding what?

About Yibo...I mean you saved his life putting yourself in danger so now what?

Yubin...nothing gonna change what I feel for my he...

*knock *

A knock disturbed their talk and there came the boy they were talking about...when Yubin saw Yibo he stood up from chair and left from there leaving them alone.

Zhan are you feeling now...

Now I'm feeling much better when you came...

Yibo was feeling a lil happiness in his heart when Zhan was thinking totally opposite...Yibo took a seat near Zhan.

How was your day at home...

I...I was thinking about what you told me yesterday...I mean that marriage thing... Are you excited??

Umm..maybe a little bit...more like nervous...

Ohh but why?..?

Don't know...just feeling like something is goings to happen...

Don't think too much...

Oh no...I forgot to give you your breakfast..Sorry...

Yibo served him breakfast and when Zhan was unable to eat he also helped him. Both were silent but a weird feeling was in their hearts. Yibo was with Zhan whole day. He helped Zhan with lunch and gave him his medicines Mrs.Jiang also came to meet Zhan but when she saw Yibo there and how he was taking care of her son she felt happy after spending some time with her son and when doctors assured her that Zhan can go to home she went back to home.
At night around  9 o'clock after dinner Yibo got ready to go home when Zhan stopped him.


What happened need something?

I...want to tell you something...


Actually...Yibo about our marriage thing please don't tell your parents and also not mine...

B..but...may I know why?

Because...I want to surprise them...

But..if you'll not tell them then how'll they prepare for wedding..

Actually I also wanna tell you that...our wedding will be held in a simple way no crowd of guests...ok

Yibo was feeling uneasy...and Zhan realized that.

But..are not we going to invite our family members...

Relax dd...I promise to you that after coming back from our wedding I'll held a big party...and I'll invite to everyone...ok


so go and yes you have to go at our home and get a good night sleep...we'll meet tomorrow in Church...I'll go directly there...and Yubin will pick you the evening at 7 o'clock.

Ok...good night ge...

Still in weird dilemma Yibo went to Xiao Mansion. And for his bad luck the first person he saw was Ziyi.

How thick skinned he is...came here shamelessly...

But Yibo ignored her because he didn’t want to spoil his mood by talking with her so he left for his room silently...

In the hospital room Zhan was on his bed trying his best to sleep but his mind was thinking about how Yibo being a caring person took care of him...he also think about the time when he got shot before and Yibo took care of him. He was in thoughts when he heard a knock on his door..


It's me...

Come in...

Were you going to sleep??

Of course Yubin...but what are you doing here at this hour?

Actually I was here to check your security and also...

Zhan looked at him...

Zhan don't get me wrong but are you sure....I mean about tomorrow...and you didn't even informed aunt Jiang...she'll get angry....and are you sure you want to do this...and what about you after this...

No...Yubin...I'm sure about everything...without any regret or mind is clear about Yibo and about don't think too much...and do as I said...ok...tomorrow you have to do so much work so go get some rest...

Yubin just sighed at Zhan's words..and  went out of the room and one last time after a little talk with security guards he went back at home because  next day was surely going to be an hectic one.


Guess what's going to happen...?

Soon story is going to end...just 1st part.
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also this story's taekook version is going to update soon.

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