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Chapter one

Ever since I was a cub I loved to hunt and for my passion has brought me many names, Like hades cat or pluto's pet and now in present day I never let anyone live to see me. Like bigfoot people go out on expeditions to find me or find proof that I live. What they don't know is that I'm not an animal I'm a science experiment, scientist were trying recreate the smilodon, instead of the smilodon they got me, the 6 foot long 4 1/2 foot high killing machine,but that was in 1995, Im much mistaken for a smilodon because resemble one, but I have hair sticking up on my back, my fangs inject a neurotoxin that kills people slowly and painfully, you may ask how do I know all this? Like I said I'm a science experiment have more intelligence than that of an average animal, my sabers are 9-10 inches long I have an extra claw that acts like an a-posable thumb, and I have clear vision like a humans and heat vision based on the time of day, I have skin the color of a lions and have some stripes that are barely noticeable I live on the mountains, the Rocky Mountains to be exact. I was originally created in Nevada but when I was being New York zoo I broke free. Now they are searching for me and its only a matter of time before they find me, the humans will never find me up here. If they do then Im screwed, bye bye freedom. But not today! I'm free and that's what matters for now.

Chapter 2

I don't know what my name really is people call me all sorts of things like hades' cat or pluto's pet

But I am none of those nor do I know what they are. I may have a an inelegant mind but I do not speak like your people. I talk as any animal would. THUD!!! I forgot I was sleeping in my cave. Some snow had fell at the opening. I shook my hair and strutted out of cave yawning as if I was up late which I wasn't I only went to eat a squirrel walk around and patrol my territory for any people or mountain lions they are my 2nd competitor up here, one alone is nothing I can't handle but sometimes they'll come at me all at once. My other competitor is the wolf, I only dare to take them on if I'm starving and if its snow shoe hare then ill take them on.The last situation I got into with a wolf pack I had to lay in my cave for a week due to my leg injuries, but on the bright side there 5 out of 7 wolfs whimpering back to the alphas of the pack, I think that would be the last time some canine messed with me. You may be thinking how did I escape it was three years ago....

Chapter 3

I was only 1 when this all happened I was in the truck we were in some place that looked peaceful

But then we were in dense forest the sign said welcome to Utah , I could smell the deers sent and you know as 1year old cub you crazy when you smell the aroma of food or in my case deer.

Then I see the Colorado border through my tiny window out of my steel container. The border patrol asked the driver what he was hauling, he calmly replied an animal, next the officers asked what animal as their were unlocking the container but then they quit, my hopes were done I was going to be in a cage no matter where I was. Next we were on the highway. next to the Rockys when I my container became off balanced and I flew off the road I was as if I were floating through the air until I hit snow and my container became unlatched in a seconds notice I sprang out and ran for the hills, not just because I saw a snow shoe hare but because I was free at last. Nothing could catch me at least for now.

After I was done being free I got cought up in some mountain lion territory at the time I was smaller than they were and I had no idea how things worked, I was just strolling around in the woods when I hear something running towards me I looked around there she was all nasty looking and mouth foaming, so I named her Helga. When she was close I assumed the position and started snarling and baring teeth along with my sabers that were barely growing at the time and she stopped, she sat there and stared when I realized there was something behind me... And there was another mountain lion but bigger and uglier I backed up and ran for the trees that's when I learned how to use my a posable thumbs I climbed the tree like it was nothing but I sooner learned that mountain lions could do the same just not as fast so I jumped I felt like I could fly until I landed snout first in a .snow bank I shook my face and of course there's the ugly guy mountain lion right behind me.My first night in Colorado

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2013 ⏰

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