Slime x F!Reader

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"Heya, (y/n), having a good morning?" He asked, limping into the store.

"Burtin! What the Hell happened to you?" You asked as you shuffled around the counter to greet him. His laugh turned into a groan as he touched his side. His ribs causing him just as much pain as his torn up leg. But he shook your hand with the strength of an adventurer. Even with his knuckles raw and cut up.

"Job went south." Was the only explanation he gave. "Do you have any medicinal supplies? The bloody doctor in town is running me dry with how much she's charging for her miracle potion."

Your concern diminished into a scowl, but you nodded. "I've heard nothing but complaints about that woman." You said as you returned to your place behind the store counter. Unlocking one of the large glass cabinets there to slide out a basket of glass bottles and small leather pouches. "I don't have any potions of healing, unfortunately. But I have salves for pain and infections. Sleeping draughts for rest..."

"Anything strong enough to knock me out will do." Burtin said, coming up to the counter. His tall sharp ears were the only part of him you could see over the countertop. But he dragged one of the chairs from the corner of the room and set it so he could see your selection. "I, uh, don't have a lot of gold. But I have a few things to trade, if you're interested."

You gave Burtin a sharp, but playful, look. "You know I don't barter with stolen goods, Burtin."

"It's not stolen." He said defensively. "It's...eliberated. It's from my previous job. I promise, nobody is looking for it."

You pursed your lips and told him you'd at least look at what he had to barter with. Though gold was worth a lot more to you than knick knacks you could possibly sell; sometimes adventurers came through with items worthy of your time. Burtin, you trusted, wouldn't waste your time with just anything and everything shiny he picked up when he was on a job. He knew you weren't easily persuaded. Burtin selected his supplies; two sleeping draughts and a few pouches of healing salves. The goblin then plopped a large pouch from his belt and released the string holding it closed. His entire arm disappeared into the black abyss that was the small dimensional space and removed a single item. It was a large glass jar sealed tight with a wax seal. The contents were dark purple in color and seemed to swirl like a current of sparkling wine.

Burtin tapped on it with one of his fingers and you heard a distinct gurgling noise coming from the jar. Muffled by the wax and glass. "I think it's either a gelatinous cube or a ravenous slime." Burtin said. "Both are worth alot in the adventuring trade."

"Aren't they the same thing?" You asked, leaning a little closer to the jar to inspect the ooze inside. The current picked up, swirling like a tornado in its small prison. And the gurgle sounded again, less angry this time. But still just as threatening.

"Nah, slimes are a little more intelligent than cubes. And, don't quote me, I don't know the biology too well, they're different creatures all together. Like Drakes and Wyverns." Burtin said with a shrug. He tapped the glass again and the growling burping noise sounded once more. "Interested?" You bit your lip. You tried not to take creatures as trade. They were messy and came with alot of paperwork if you wanted to sell them. The stables in town had the same two horses for two years because no one wanted them. You didn't feel like getting stuck with a slime in a jar because no one wanted to buy it.

"What are you going to do with it if I'm not?" You asked. Carefully picking up the jar. It vibrated in your hands and it was uncomfortably warm on your skin. You didn't know much about slimes, but you knew that they were usually swamp or subterranean species. Meaning this poor thing was probably cooking alive in that sack out in the sun.

"Probably pawn it off to another group or trade it. I don't know. I just know that it's worth alot, so it'll cover these items...and my little debt I owe you." Burtin wiggled his eyebrows up at you with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes. Trying to ignore him as you mulled over your options. Slimes and Cubes were dangerous. You've seen a number of adventurers come back from a job wounded and near dead; explaining they entered a cave full of slimes. But this one was bound by wax and glass. So, how dangerous could it be?

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