Chapter Six: Sin To Forget

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Cailo's P.O.V

*Earlier That Day*

It's been almost three weeks since I've left my house. My hair is all knotted up, I have huge bags under my eyes and I smell bad. I wasn't planning on doing much today either but people were coming over to check on me so I decided why not. I sat up and looked at the clock. I smirked. "This is a first," I said to myself. I'm up early.

I got up and pushed all my drugs and needles into a shoe box then kicked it under my bed.

I straightened things up a little before going through my closet. "Ugggh . . . ," I got out. Life for me wasn't meant to be. I stood there for almost five minutes, debating on whether or not I should kill myself. "Nahh . . . ," I said.

I grabbed a white T-shirt and my camo joggers to wear. I sat it down on the bed and went into the bathroom to strip down.

When I got into the bathroom, I stepped on something next to the toilet. It was a brush, her brush. I picked it up and so many memories came rushing back to me. My eyes were glistening at the thought of her. I shook my head and put the brush in the towel cabinet.

I turned on the shower and stepped in. While I let the water roll off my skin, I cried softly. I closed my eyes just to think about her. "Bye Baby!" replayed over and over in my head. I can't accept the fact that my reality wasn't a dream. I sniffed it up and finished cleaning.

"I can't keep doing this," I thought to myself.

I guess I should finally accept the fact that she's gone. How would I do that though?

I got out the shower and walked over to the bed to get my phone. One hundred and thirty eight messages and one miss call. I shook my head and redailed my miss call, already knowing who it was.

"Hello?" I answered. "Open up," She replied. I wrapped a towel around me and ran down stairs.

I opened the door for Ayuki, my dealer. She was to pretty to be in this mess but we all have down falls.

I don't usually do needles but I just needed an easy get away. I started off with lacing my weed then I moved on to a little crack and now I'm trying heroine. I've used needles before but not this big of a dose. The pain isn't that easy to get rid of so I need somehing stronger. I'm not a heavy user though but I am a junkie.

She handed me the brown bag and I took it. "You need to quit this shit," she said. I wasn't in the mood for her weekly lecture so I gave her the money and walked off. "I'm serious man!" "Look, I'm alright with it and you getting your bread so we both get our end of the deal," I said. "So not today Ayuki." She signed and sat down, facing her defeat.

"New outfit?" She said noticing my towel. "Some what," I said causing her to giggle. I shrugged and walked off. Ayuki is something special really, I sometimes wonder how she got caught up in this mess? Not that it's any of my business but just to know would be nice.

As I walked into the kitchen my towel got caught on the plant stem. It slide clean off revealing .

She gasped and just started shaking her head. I smirked.

"Don't be scared Ayuki," I said. "It won't attack you, intentionally." "Welp!" She said. I laughed. She is always uncomfortable when I speak about sex or give her compliments. "I going to go."

As she made her way towards the door with her hands over her eyes I followed behind her. "Byyyeeee," I sang. She just shut the door. I swear she makes my day sometimes.

I wouldn't mind having Ayuki around but she complains to much about the shit I do. I know what I do isn't right and I try to change but shittt it can be a challenge, you know?

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