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Welcome to my very good amazing and excellent perfect fanfiction. Like, not to toot my own horn but this stuff is the shit.

For everyone here who does not know what Design is, here is the playlist:

It is quite long, but I'm not gonna waste my time recapping all 3 seasons here.

So now that you have (hopefully)listened to Design, we should be good to go! If you did not listen and shit don't make sense, that's your own damn fault. But just know I am going to be pulling from Design, mostly in the later parts. This is really meant to serve as a end for Design, where everyone gets that happy ending Liam said they did and a continuation of Internecion Cube. Because lets face it, at this rate we ain't getting anymore. This is also going to be using the timeline established by the Youtuber TyromaniacTalks, so go watch that so stuff like dates make sense.

Last thing, this starts AFTER the battle with the weeb duo and to put it simply, IC-0n kicked ass. Again, TyroTalks video is heavily recommended, as well as Design to make sure everything makes sense. Finally warning for not that great romance. I'm still gonna give it to you as that is a WattPad essential. With all that said and done, let us begin!

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