chapter 1 the girl trade

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Your peacefully drawing in your room and singing " Y/n come down here Me and your father have something to tell you" said your mom but that was unusual because it was 10:00 pm and your parents are away for a business trip so you hide in you parent's room with the white Kitana your father had (your father was a Hashira but you didn't know) so while the demon who was pretending to be your mom was slashing through your house looking for you he heard you sneeze "bless you" says the demon "thanks" you say but then snap your mouth shut remembering what your grandma had told you about demons just then you try to get out of the situation by going to the closet but the demon found you he grabs you by the arms "your a pretty human aren't you I can smell your delicious blood I want it I want ALL of it" the demon says, he notices you shaking "I won't hurt you my sweet child I'm just gonna take you to my master so he can decide what to do with you" says the demon you grab the Kitana and stab him but he takes out the sword and heals " how are you doing that that physically impossible to do that" you say " oh us demons are very different from you humans we can heal and even grow back our limbs but if I were to cut that pretty little head of yours off you would be dead unlike me if you cut my head off there's a good chance I won't die and I'll just reattach myself to my body and there will be nothing you can do about it" the demon says you look at his pale skin "are you going to hurt me if I try to run" you say but before you could finish he put his hand over your mouth as if saying shut up you glance over your shoulder to see a man with curly black hair and weird eyes "are you gonna hurt me" you ask the man with the black curly hair "I don't know what I'm going to do with you yet my dear child" he says " I AM NO CHILD" you say the man grabs you by the hair "OW LET GO OF ME!!" you shouted at the man "she's the one with the rare blood" said the man that had you by your hair "yes sir" says the weird man "good job Akaza but take her to Rui he can decide what to do with her" said the man still having you by your hair "will you please let go of me" you say "what's your name" said Akaza "I'm y/n whats yours" you say "I'm Akaza" says Akaza at this point muzan had let go of your hair and you didn't notice but then you tried to run away but Akaza stopped you and then continued to take you to Rui you start to cry then Akaza stops "are you ok y/n" Akaza says "no I wont ever see my parents again" you say but then all of the sudden Akaza karate chopped you and after that you didn't remember your parents you and akaza arive at the mountin where Rui lives "did you kill her Akaza" says Rui "no but she won't remember anything about her parents so don't worry" says Akaza "good then can take her to the spider mother" says Rui " yes sir" says Akaza " hello Akaza" says the spider mother "Rui told me to drop this pretty young lady off to you" says Akaza "well then hand her over" says the spider mother "yes ma'am" says Akaza "I'll run away and you won't do a thing to stop me!" You say as you start to cry "your right I won't because I'm not the one who asked the master to bring you here Rui did so your not my problem your Rui's problem" says the spider mom and then Akaza let's you go and you start running Akaza chasing after you "damn for a fucking teenager you sure are fast" said Akaza "thanks but enough with the sweet talk I know you are trying to kill me" you say as you run into a tree and knock yourself out the next thing you know your being held up by strings and in front of you Rui was standing making his usual plain face "stop trying to fight it you are going to be here for the rest of your short human life" said Rui "IN YOUR DREAMS" you shouted as he's circling you with intrest "s-s-stop circling me!" You shout then you see a boy with a boar mask being followed by a boy with a box on his back Rui looks over then he covers your mouth " I'm not letting a pretty mortal like you go at least not this time" Rui says as your words were muffled "what was that sweetheart" Rui said "HELP ME!, I'M OVER HERE!!" you shouted but quickly get shut up by Rui putting his hand over your mouth the boy in the boar mask tries to headbutt Rui but fails then the boy with the box on his back headbutts Rui and succeds making Rui let go of the strings holding you in place "are you ok" says the boy "yes I'm fine thank you" you say with reassurance " my names tanjiro what's yours?" Asks tanjiro "I'm y/n nice to meet you" you say Rui then wakes up and pulls the strings tighter as if warning to stop talking and look pretty tanjiro being the kind soul he is wakes up inosuke and then cuts the strings releasing you, you and inosuke run out of the forest to zenitsu "stay here pretty woman and keep this dorito occupied" said the boy in the boar mask " wow your so pretty also whats your name" says the boy with orange and yellow hair "my names y/n and yours is..." you say curiously "I'm zenitsu" says zenitsu

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