taste of you

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Cooking was not really Jisung's forte. Actually, cooking was never Jisung's forte.

You see, the boy grew up practically consuming every home made meal his mother had cooked for him. He was sure he could excel at such a task, as well. After all, it couldn't have been all too hard to stir up a simple meal by following a recipe.

If that had been the case, then Jisung would say that was absolutely the most false thing he had ever heard in his life. The poor boy had been doing everything right, had gone through all the measurements and wordings to make sure he had not missed a single thing. It was safe to say that the pan-seared garlic butter recipe he had chosen specifically was engraved into his pea brain at this point.

Chaos just ensues as soon as he steps foot into the kitchen.

"Oh no." he murmurs uselessly to no one in particular. It was just him alone in this massive house and he had sent all the workers home for a break. It wasn't even his damn house.

"Oh no," Jisung says again with more panic laced in his voice as his eyes widen in absolute distress. In his hands is a quarter of a clove of garlic and a spoon. Around his figure is an apron far too clean. He blinks down at the bowl in front of him, filled with melted butter and way too much minced garlic in the mixture.

He somehow still found his own ways to mess up.

"How can I be so stupid," he cries to himself. In the midst of his already-too-late realization, he scurries over to where his phone is propped up onto a jar of cat treats. Jisung wishes he had listened to his paranoid thoughts and went over his recipe again, "Only 1/4th of the clove? How did I even misread that?!"

Jisung, already discouraged by his lack of cooking skill, lets out a groan of agony and he sinks down onto the floor as a way to let himself cope with how absolutely ridiculous he was being.

He sniffles, gets up to his feet and stares at all the ingredients he had laid down onto the counter with a frown. It was supposed to be as smooth as possible, all for Minho. The man he had always glanced at with the biggest, reddest heart eyes. He was so painfully obvious. But just how was he going to give the man he adored most in the world a way too garlic-y steak?!

He would probably take offense, think that Jisung was indirectly calling him a vampire and think he was trying to kill him. Then, he would storm off and Jisung would drown in his errors forever. But only someone as easily anxious as Jisung would think such brainless thoughts.

You see, Jisung had been in this arrangement for about four-ish months already. It had only been so short, yet Jisung felt like he had been involved with the older man for years already.

In simpler terms, Minho was Jisung's sugar daddy. And he was his baby. So, it had meant that Minho was entitled to spoil Jisung with a share of his wealth; in forms of gifts, actual physical money, and words. Not so big with words, though, which was a bummer because Jisung preferred it very much. However, Minho was just a very much more physical type of guy.

They had sex. Quite routinely. Yes, it had been all a part of their arrangement after all, and Minho had solely arranged this 'dynamic' between them because he had needed a distraction. An outlet, he had explained to Jisung when they had first met on the sketchy sugar-d/b website they had set up profiles on.

And Minho didn't have a problem with paying Jisung after all, because money was the least of his problems as Korea's 'next-hit CEO.' It's not like Jisung ever minded, though, because while he got paid a band every month, Minho fucked him until he saw stars.

Also, he was just too blinded by his whole 'love at first sight' to even consider if his own feelings were being validated enough or even at all.

So, that's Jisung's case on why he claims his pan-seared garlic butter steak needs to be spot-on perfect for Minho. He just feels like he has something to prove for the man.

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