Queen Aurora 2

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Leon how do I get the best gift for someone "The king asked walking through the flower fields with his butler right behind him

If you know the person you should now what yo get them but if you don't ask maybe a relative"Leon

A relative..."he mumbled biting his lips trying to remember a detail about the Queen ,Lion cleared his throat making the King look at him

The Queen has a elder sister ,Lady Carter your majesty "Adrian smacked his hands together for the butler doing a good job

Summon her to the palace....quickly "Lion looked at the king confused but ran off without asking questions but kept checking back at Adrian

Lady Carter was trying to put on her dress with a servant's help while her husband kept asking her suspicious questions

All she wanted was a moment of peace but he came home wanting some fuck that she will never enjoy and thank the her brother inlaw she has to leave this man and visit the king.

She was glad that she was getting away from him,hopefully he will be asleep once she gets back

Her corset was still loose as the man kept pacing back and forth,"what does the king want with you? You're not a important person unless it's because of me"

She wanted yell out so bad are for god's sake still debating on this ? My sister is the QUEEN like

But insted she smiled sweetly at him rushing to calm him down like a submissive wife" my lord the king probably only wants to see me because of your loyalty to his family all this years" the guy smiled proudly

She hid her scowl as he turned to face her with a cocky smile
Lord Carter pushed her off him to write in his diary
Joanne rolled her eyes pushing herself off the counter he pushed her off without hesitation

She smiled at the servant and continued getting ready
Just another day of spitting lies left and right ,it's been almost 7 years that I've been married to this man "Joanne thought tiredly sighing while looking in the mirror
She put on more powder to appear more awoke than tired

She enjoyed the quiet ride in the carriage ,the carriage even smelled nice.It was a relaxing scent which made her smile for the first time today

Joanne didn't know what to expect from the King once she meets him because she only saw him at the Wedding.But from her sister's stories he was horrible.Joanne immediately didn't like because of how he treats her sister

Joanne followed the King's man into the Palace while still trying to look at the unfamiliar palace.
Compared to this one she found her sister's palace more to her taste.

The King stood in the garden waiting for the Queen's sister to arrive.He smiled once he saw her coming with Lion ,he waved at them

Joanne has to admit The King was a very attractive man and the fact he was also around her sister's age made it better.

Your majesty"She gave a courtesy but the King told her it wasn't necessary since they were now a family

Thank you for coming"Joanne smiled shaking her head in disagreement,"no no it's an honor for the King to ask for me "he laughed

Adrian stopped laughing for a moment then thought anout how he could explain why he asked for her but it seemed like he was zoning out"your majesty" their voice made him look up

Is everything alright?"Joanne tilted her head in concern,they may not he related but he was her younger sister's husband.

Yes,yes..wait no but yes"Lady Carter gave him a unreadable expression at his questionable behavior
He is weird just like Aurora said"she eyed him down

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