56. Waiting

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It was the day Zhan and Yibo was waiting. Yibo was in kitchen helping Mrs Jiang in preparing breakfast. He was beaming with happiness. Mrs Jiang noticed his smile and the way he was doing work cheerfully.

Yibo...you seem happy...


Good...you should be...and yes ...are you going to hospital..

Yes mom..after 20 minutes I'll go with Zhan ge's breakfast.


Preparing everything...Mrs.Jiang went to her room and Yibo went to get ready for hospital when he was putting essential things in his bag a knock on door interrupted...


Yibo...here's the dress; Zhan prepared this for you ...you have to wear this in the evening...

Ok...thank you Yubin

And one more thing...Zhan told me to inform you that today you don't have to go to hospital...I'll go with his breakfast...


This is what Zhan want...


Yubin went out when Yibo looked at the dress...a smile crept on his lips...he was excited for evening's event and also nervous.
After having breakfast Yibo called his mother who was not at home...


Hello...my lovely son...how are you...is everything alright...

Yes omma I'm fine...and what are you doing...

Oh...bobo..we didn't get the time to inform you that yesterday when you left for hospital..after that your aunt came and gave us ticket...she booked my and mr wang's ticket and we are going today...an island I think...

O...wow...its good...timing of your flight...

2 pm....bobo..are you okay there...?

Yess mom I am...and what about jie?

She'll be with her aunt you know their friendship. So she'll be at her place....actually I heard they were discussing that they also planned to go somewhere but I don't think I have to ask...

Oh..Ok mom...have a safe trip...

Bobo...baby take care...

With a deep sigh Yibo disconnected the call. He wanted to talk about Zhan and his relationship with someone but no one was there so he decided to leave it. He was waiting for evening with a hope while remembering his meetings with Zhan. How they started with a war and came at this point. He was smiling all along remembering the incident of that stormy night.



A call brought him back from his memories he received the call...


Hello...Yibo...be ready I'm coming in one hour to pick you up..

Ok ..

With that he looked at the clock showed 5 pm.
Oh..no..I'm actually late...I have one hour to get ready..

He jumped out of the bed and dashed inside bathroom. After taking a shower he dried his hair and picked the dress he was supposed to wear.
He was infront of mirror looking himself. Outfit was perfect for him.

 Outfit was perfect for him

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[Ignore the mic 😬]

He was looking fabulous specially his cute smile.
A massage popped on his mobile screen. It was Yubin who was outside ready with his car so looking himself one last time mirror he went out of his room. Mrs.Jiang saw him he bowed her slightly she lovingly hugged him for his surprise it was first time she hugged him with love and care like a baby.

I don't know...where you are going and for what but whatever it is I wish you happiness and luck...come back with this cute smile soon...

T..thank you mom...

Soon he went out where Yubin was...he settled himself on backseat of car.
His heart was beating fast and nervousness took over him. He was looking outside the window when car came to an halt infront of a beautiful Church.


Thank you so much for supporting this story....

One more chapter left...sorry I'm not good at writing romantic scenes let alone 15+ or 18+ 🤧

I hope you all loved the story...Once again thank you for your votes and lovely comments 😊 🙏🏻 ❤️

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