No not you

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~Reader POV~

Lately it's feeling like someone has been watching me.

I can feel their eyes on me watching my every move.

I have been seeing this man with blood red hair come in the store lately.

He come in and buys the same thing, E-cigarettes, cherry flavored. When I turned around I can feel his eyes burning through my back like a predator and it's prey. As I walk home that same feeling shot through me. The cold air is nipping at my skin, every time i breath out it looks as if I'm smoking. I see teenagers walking in front of me. "I'm 22 now, I should be thinking about the future, not the past" I sigh. Getting out my keys I feel a presents behind me.


No he is here again. Why doesn't he leave me the fuck be.

"What the fuck do you want" I said annoyed.

I turn around to face the man behind me.

He has dark brown hair and eyes. He is about 5'11.And Cocky as hell.

"You want to go out tonight,Y/N-chan"

"No, it is the same answer as always"

"Then can I have a kiss~~"

Who the fuck does this guy think he is!!! I don't even know who he is!!!


"Oh, come on babe~~"

"I said no what don't you get about that"

I turn back around opening my door to get inside.

"It's just a kiss"

He grabs my wrist and twirls me around. I can smell the liquor on his breath, great he's drunk. His breath on my skin feels disgusting.

'Or do you want more" he breaths out.

" What do you not get when a lady says no she means no"

I hear a deep rusty voice say.

"Get thee fuck out of here"

the mysterious man walks up and puts a knife in the other man's back

"You have five seconds to run"


The other man ran off and never came back again.

I looked at the man who saved me.What!?!? It was the man from the store!


I hear him say but everything is spinning. My heart is beating so fast. Everything is a blur. The last thing I see is blood red eyes. The eyes of the man from the store.I see them flash? Blue?

It Can't Be [Akaito!Vampire x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now