Good Question

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They ended up playing for the whole day, the football field they were playing on was owned by Grace's mom, she also owns the team that plays there. Laura is a very successful businesswoman, she owns many corporate company's that have multiple uses. From Real Estate to creating home appliances. But the biggest company she's in charge off is her family business called; HealthCorp. Its a large chain corporation which provides the best health care in the whole world. Her grandfather had founded this business and she was now the head of it. She plans on giving it to Grace once she reaches a certain age, so she won't just be the Queen of the Kingdom but also the head of their family business.

This was one of the reasons why her husband was no distant. Her company makes so much money that she could afford to buy the whole kingdom if she wanted. It's networth is well over the trillions and hundreds for trillions. Other than that Laura also has many other business that make billions monthly. So she's basically stacked for life. She has enough to money to feed an infinite number of generations to come.

With Travis who was currently walking back with the girls. The match had ended with a draw. Of course Travis was holding back otherwise the game with have ended with other team deciding to quit.

Vena walked up to him and grabbed his hand. She was the first person to fall for him and basically the girl he relates to the most since they both like games, anime and Travis.

" Travis I want us to go somewhere tomorrow." She said with her usual cold voice and tone.

" Sure let's go, I've been wanting to spend sometime with you" He said with a smile, Vena sent him a bright smile and hugged his arm as she walked closer to him.

" Great. I'm sure you're going to be surprised by what I have in stored for you" She said quietly.

The girl who were walking behind were wondering what Vena was planning to do. Most of them eventually learned how to share Travis, while girls like Grace and Valentina are still competing to have his love even though he would one day love them all. 

They arrived in the castle and they all followed him to his room for some reason , when he got there he took off his clothes and so did they, he had saw this coming so Travis wasn't surprised. 

A shower later , they were now sitting with him on his bed,  he hasn't visited Laura today but he plans on doing that in.

" Hey Travis who do you plan on making your move on first?" Out of nowhere Nicolette asked , all the girls faced Travis with curious eye's. He put his phone down and sat up so he could give everyone attention.

" Well I don't have a plan I'll mostly go by Flow. Y'all Don't have to worry, probably  by the end of this years I would have made all of you into sister wives" he said with a slight chuckle at the end.

" I can't wait for that. I want it now" Vena said sadly as she climbed on him. Travis chuckled and said." Well let's do it then."

All the girls eyes glowed in excitement.
" only oral sex of course. I'll bang you all when your time comes " He said these words when looking at Grace. It seemed that she understood what he had meant by that last part.

Reason why Travis wanted to get head is that it will make the sex experience easier since they would have gotten used to his cock. At this point they're all still fledglings so Travis wanted to train them into beautiful women that could satisfy his lust.  While with the mature ladies Travis will just go by instinct, if they show him their pussy and he feels like fucking than he'll do so. This will help reduce his load figuratively and literally.

While they were talking about sex and other unrelated things the mature women were currently discussing the thing  Samantha and Serena had faced before.

" It must have been under control "

Well that was easy , let's move on. Just kidding there's still more things that they have to say for no particular reason but I will add them. I wasn't feeling alright when I wrote this paragraph.

" Yes that must be the cause. But who did it should be the question, because that person must have aimed it for us on purpose. Also that person must have heard us argue in the first place. They also mist have exponential sensory skills to find us that quickly. " Samantha said.

" We're really facing as strong person no doubt about that. Well there's no use talking I'd rather we think of ways to beat this person we don't know " Heather added.

" Yeah you're right. Talking about won't help us even a bit. Let's keep this quiet for now. I'll go over and tell Laura but other than her, no one else needs to know "Serena said. They all nodded including Akari who had just woke up and was confused.

" Alright now let's go visit Hubby" Lisa said with a voice filled with excitement. Everyone nodded and disappeared leaving the room empty, well Akari was still  there. She sighed on got up, ' I should start training again ' she thought, walking through the wall till she would finally reach Travis's room.

While everyone was in Travis's room Laura was currently standing outside on her balcony. She stared at the beautiful red and blue moon in the sky. She then walked back in and took her phone from the table.
Laura had sent a text to her husband a couple hours ago and he hasn't answered.

' Does he have another woman?' She thought. Place her phone back down she slowly took of her dress as it fell on the ground. She didn't need to take store it because a made would help her with that. Walking into her shower that was lit with a bright white light. She turned the water on and stood there as the water rained down on her body. Her mind filled with many thoughts about her husband and their family. She doesn't need him in any way financially but she also doesn't want her daughter to lose touch with her father. While she thought of this she heard a thud outside.

Laura's eyes glowed brighter as she vanished from sight, appearing on her balcony, but seeing Travis standing there with a smile she calmed down. Travis stared at her beautiful body reflecting the moonlights. She smiled and came up to him and hugged him closely.

" My Son what bring you here so at such a time" She asked in a sweet tone. Her eyes hiding all the melancholy she felt in this moment. Travis knew her well, so he didn't answer. He kept staring into her eyes till she gave up." I guess you know me better than i thought. Come in I was in the shower before. Care to join me?" She asked.

' Good question,'

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