Karl and [NAME] vs Mizuno //part 2//

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The alleyway was completely flooded from Mizuno's surprise attack.

Mizuno gets his head out of the water to see if he had managed to even harm both you and Karl. Thinking he had defeated the duo, he got once again startled by the laugh of someone.

"Haha... Now, would you look at that..." Karl cooed, "I thought kids and water didn't come along very well!" He was using Arma to not fall in the water, while you were on one of the metal pipes in a cat-like position.

Meanwhile, Chimbley Sweep could be seen doing his usual thing, smoking. It wasn't until he sneezed that his smoking session stopped

"You chose a very convenient place to meet us, didn't you?" He asked. Mizuno answered with a glare. You only chuckled at this.
"Awwee... You hate us... Personally, that ain't my problem!" You giggled.
"[NAME], you're the reason he hates us, silly!"

"...Good point.."

Mizuno used his water-manipulating abilities to launch himself upwards. Karl simply smirked while you grew wings and flew upwards and flew through a broken window. Although, Mizuno was only planning to attack Karl.
Karl jumped and Arma transformed into a pole-shaped thing. Karl grabbed the center of it, spun around, and landed on his feet.

Mizuno tried to punch Karl which he dodged, then Karl attempted to slash him but he dodged. It was the same thing and vice versa. You came out of the window and grabbed Mizuno's wrist, spun him around, then threw him into a wall.

"You could fly?" Karl asked you with one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I drank Redbull™  before I entered the Taitle!" You raised your head at the word 'Redbull'. You turned your gaze at Mizuno who was panting a bit.

"What's wrong, 'Aquaboy'?" Karl asked mockingly, "You fight like you're dying! Feeling a little uneasy?" You spelled out a bit of oil that you were drinking. Yes, you did steal a can of oil from a specific ginger and pink-haired kid. You immediately swallowed the remaining oil. While you annihilated the can with the 'Solver™'.

You guessed the nickname pissed Mizuno off guessing from his expression. Karl then lunged at him, wanting to attack him. But, for some reason, something distracted him and he got DANG KICKED underwater. You widened your eyes, opened your wings, and went underwater, where Karl was whining about 'weighting tons'

"You okay there blud?" You asked Karl, now underwater.

"Sure is! Now, lift me, Arma!" Arma went under Karl, about to fling him up, but in the process, he got KICKED AGAIN. You dodged them both widening your eyes in surprise. You just shrugged and let them have their fight.

[No, it's not an excuse to not write a fighting scene because I suck at it.]

You decided to just fly back inside the broken window from earlier, to steal more oil when the ground beneath you shook, causing you to lose balance with a yelp and just hold on to the box beneath you. You looked beneath you and saw Mizu'bro' looking around as if he was searching for Karl.

You looked up, realizing each box are connected to some metal support, giving you an idea.

Meanwhile. . .

Mizuno came out of the water and immediately started looking for Karl, holding the spot you stabbed him. But he heard a sound, and his guard rose. He instantly dodged an incoming falling crate aimed at him.

You were about to cut another support, but instead, someone else did it for you. You look up to see Karl. You just nodded and let him do his thing, while he jumped to the building's support and broke it using Arma.

Yet, Mizuno still dodged it as he had heard it.
He heard another noise and was about to attack only to be met with Arma. He looked the other way, seeing you running at him at full speed with an arm raised, preparing your 'Solver™' and strength. Using the both of us, you punched his stomach hard enough so he'll be sent to the other side of the building. While Karl landed right next to you, you blew on your knuckles and rubbed them to ease the slight sting.

You both noticed the building about collapse and yet, you somehow managed to get to another building. You were watching the building collapse while Arma was perched on your head, stars clearly in your eyes.

"Haha... Destroy..." You mumbled.

"How sad... There goes my violin..." Karl said in a slightly disappointed tone. You were all about to get going when Karl stopped you and Arma from doing so.

"[NAME], Arma, wait." He asked. You then turned around in curiosity.
"Let's have a break time now." He recommended before staring at his now-shaking hand. You walked closer to inspect it.

"Is the energy problem the cause of it?" You questioned.

"Yes, yes it is..." He'd answer, staring at you. He then tightly shut his fist and stared somewhere else.


From the remains of the building, Mizuno could be seen on his knees coughing.

"If you had heard me from the beginning..."

"I know, I'm sorry..." apologized Mizuno. "... But I thought I have found..." He was disrupted by the sound of metal clanking and gears wiring sounds.

"You. You come with us."

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