15. Take my love

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They walked back to Jingshi, for some reason a lot of thoughts were going thru Wei Ying's head, but none of them were about Wen Zhuliu but about how Lan Zhan had hugged him and how he had held his hand without letting go. It warmed his heart to know how he cared for him and at the same time he felt a little scared when he thought about it. He really wanted to confess his feelings to the other and knew that the other probably also liked him judging by everything he's done, but he was still scared for some unknown reason. But today he realized that even if the other didn't feel the same way, he will still care for him and stay his friend and that he could trust him no matter what, and that was enough for him to confess. So when the two were done with getting ready for bed, Wei Ying deemed it enough time has passed and that it was a good time to tell Lan Zhan about everything that was on his mind.

So when they both sat down, Wei Ying turned to Lan Zhan." Lan Zhan, i have, i want to talk to you about something". He startex and already got really nervous but he continued, not stopping." You can tell me". He said to reassure him." I like you, like not like a friend or something but i like like you". He said in a quick manner, if he hadn't been paying attention to what the younger said he would not have understood what he would have said. For a moment je didn't say anything, he wouldn't say he was necessarily shocked that the younger liked him back but he was still surprised that the younger told him now." I like you too". He replied after a moment of silence. Wei Ying smiled as he looked down and let out a breath of relief that he didn't know he was holding back until that moment.

Lan Zhan got up and went ober to Wei Ying's side and as the younger got up to see what he was up too the older hugged him tightly." I love you Wei Ying". He said as Wei Ying hugged him back." I- i love you too". He said although it was a little muffled as he had buried his face in Lan Zhan's neck. Wei Ying took his face out and smiled at Lan Zhan with heart eyes and saw him already looking at him with a big beautiful smile that left him speechless. Sure he had seen the older smile from time to time but it was only a light gently smile that even he hardly noticed unless he was really looking at him. It was practically the first time that he was seeing Lan Zhan smile, like a real smile full of happiness." You have a beautiful smile". He said, Wich obviously made the older blush a little but he still smiled." And Wei Ying has the smile of An angel". He replied wich also made Wei Ying blush.

Time felt like it had stopped for the two, they finally felt the heavy weight fall from their shoulders as they were in each other's arms with their feelings being known, they were happy." So are we a couple?". Asked Wei Ying as he giggled a little out of excitment." We are what Wei Ying wants us to be". He replied and smiled at his cite giggle." Ok, partner". He said with a shy laugh at the end of his sentence wich made Lan Zhan want too squish his cheeks.
Instead he tried to keep his cool but had already brought his hand to the side of his face, holding his jawline softly. They looked in each other, their eyes saying things that could not be put into words. Their faces getting closer and closer to each other but this time, no one could interrupt them.

Lan Zhan finally closed the gap between them. Wei Ying kissed him back as he felt his soft lips land on his. They both felt like they were in heaven, they had been waiting for this moment and now that it was finally here it felt like time had stopped for the both of them. When they pulled apart, Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around Wei Ying's waist and hugged him tighter, Wei Ying doing the same by putting his arms around the latter's neck. After they pulled apart from the long hug, they both sat down on the bed and started to lay down as they both felt the fatigue start to take over, especially for Lan Zhan who had stayed up past curfew. Lan Zhan put his arms around the younger's waist and hugged him from behind as he put his head in the boy's neck, the latter holding his hand. They both fell asleep a short moment after, both peacfull in each other's presence.

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