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A/n: damn, almost 3k reads?? Tysm?!? 😭😭🙏.








Finally lunch, as planned, Isagi and Hyo went back up to the rooftop where Reo and Nagi already were waiting for them.

"Ah, there you guys are!" Reo called out to them with wave.

"Sorry, we didn't make yous wait too long right?" Hyo asked and placed his bag down sitting next to Reo.

"Nah, it's fine don't worry." Reo waved his hand dismissing the thought.

"Alright! We were kinda caught up in getting asked multiple questions but a few classmates but it's whatever." Hyo explained making Reo nod.

"I see....our classmates are a bunch of quiet people." Reo hummed with Nagi nodding his head agreeing with him.

"Can we switch classes..? Ours are very chaotic and don't know how to chill." Hyo sighed.

"It's not too bad." Isagi shrugged.

"I think we're fine with our classmates, even if we're the loudest ones." Reo laughed lightly.

Reo and Hyo went back into talking about random topics while Nagi and Isagi sat in silence, comfortable silence of course.

"I wanna sleep." Nagi yawned.

"If you're tired, sleep I guess, class doesn't start till the next 30 minutes so..." Isagi shrugged.

"Alright." Nagi said and turned his phone off leaning against Isagi.

"Huh?" Isagi asked confused.

Nagi only hummed in response, while Hyo and Reo watched them in silence. Isagi was startled yes, but he relaxed himself afterwards since Nagi kept moving around trying to get comfortable.

"He wants you to wrap your arms around him." Reo whispered to Isagi.

Isagi stared at him blankly before looking back down at Nagi. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around Nagi, letting him get comfortable in his embrace, while Reo gave him a thumbs up in response.

"You're used to this?" Hyo tilted his head at Reo.

"Yup, you get used to it, he likes hugs." Reo shrugged, making Hyo 'ooohhh'.

"Mhm, what do yous have for your guys last period"? Reo asked.

"What do we have Isagi?" Hyo asked.

"I don't know, I can't really check my timetable so you check." Isagi said.

"I'm too lazy." Hyo replied.

"Well....we might have History next." Isagi shrugged.

"Okay, we might have History." Hyo smiled at Reo making Reo laugh lightly.

"Me and Nagi have Health." Reo sighed.

"Oh! That's a class here?" Hyo tilted his head.

"Yes..?" Isagi deadpanned Hyo.

"Ah...I knew that." Hyo said and looked away embarrassed.

"I'm not gonna assume Health is gonna be fun though." Reo shrugged.

"Fair." Isagi nodded.

Meanwhile, while Reo and Hyo chatted away again, Isagi turned his attention back to Nagi who had his eyes rested closed, he couldn't tell if he was asleep or not but he ignored the thought and looked away from him.

"Something on my face or..?" Nagi mumbled and opened one eye looking at Isagi.

"Ah- no sorry." Isagi replied awkwardly and looked down at Nagi.

Nagi hummed and closed his eyes again. Lunch finished and they 4 went to their separate classes, Hyo and Isagi did end up having History for their last class and atleast they were entertained with Bachira and Chigiri sitting with them.

Not long after, school ended.

"Jeez...that felt like a long day." Hyo sighed tired.

"Tell me about it." Isagi agreed stretching.

"Should we go check the dorms out?" Hyo asked looking at Isagi.

"Sure." Isagi nodded.

They had to ask for directions on where the building was since they were not educated about it at all. Once they did arrive, Hyo and Isagi stared at the dorm building, Hyo's eyes basically shining at the building.

"How many levels even is that...?" Isagi asked.

"Looks like 6." Hyo responded.

"How big is this school..." Isagi mumbled to himself.

"Probably around 2000 kids." Hyo responded still hearing Isagi.

"Wait, really-?" Isagi asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." Hyo nodded.

Isagi sighed softly wondering why he decided to come to this highschool.

"Soo...shall we go look?" Hyo asked looking at Isagi who nodded his head.

They both entered the building and looked around and noticed where you would ask to apply for a dorm, so they went up to the lady.

"Excuse me...is there still available dorms?" Hyo asked looking at her tilting his head.

"Ah, certainly! We have remaining rooms on floor 6, 3 and 4!" She explained with a welcoming smile plastered on her face.

"But, we don't have any free dorms for 2 people if yous wanted to share." She explained with a sigh following afterwards.

"That's alright!" Hyo nodded.

"Could we apply for some dorms please?" Isagi asked.

"Sure! Here's the forms, make sure to take them to your parents and return them to me tomorrow!" She smiled and handed them 1 paper each.

"Thank you Ms!" Hyo smiled at her.

"No problem!" She waved bye to them as they both walked away.

"You think aunties gonna say yes?" Hyo asked.

"Hopefully." Isagi responded looking down at the paper.

A/n: weeeeee

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