5 years ago

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After ben killed darksied he was gifted a new omnitrix that was more powerful then any of his previous watches, after that Barbara and him had their last conversation 

As ben took a seat at the watchtower he was met with multiple faces he never worked with, only a couple he knew, those heroes being Red tornado, Flash, Aquaman, Nightwing, wonderwoman, superman and Batman, the rest were unknown to him

Whos the kid? A man asked his costume symbolising an atom in the middle

This is ben Tennyson Batman said

Oh killer of Darksied heard alot about you, glad to be working together, names the atom the atom said

Ben shook his hand

Ben then faced batman who went back to the hologram screen

Now, we have an important mission, we cant screw up understood? Batman asked

They nodded

Now, ben will be leader of this mission and you are to follow his instructions Batman said

Hey batman not to be picky, but why the kid? Captain atom asked

Because unlike you, he has a good leadership and communication skills, something you lack Batman snarked 

Really, communication skills? Barely heard the kid speak when he entered Captain atom said chuckled 

Ben grunted

Hey dont let him get to ya pal Firestorm said 

Yeah just ignore him, he acts like this to everyone booster gold said

Now move out, and if i hear one complaint coming from ben, you better make sure i dont find you Batman said

They got up and moved excluding ben and nightwing 

Hey ben, been awhile since we been a on a mission huh? Nightwing asked

Yeah seems like the league expanded while i was gone on my last mission Ben said

Yeah we need to keep earth safe, it was only 3 months ago that darksied was killed anyways Nightwing said

As the duo made it to the ship

Ben got in the pilot seat, booster gold seating next to him

Systems ready? Ben asked

All set bro Booster said

Ben pulled the ship out and moved out of the watch tower bay

Red tornado can you set the coordinates for coast city? Ben asked

Red tornado nodded and inputted the coordinates 

Booster flicked some switches that had set the ship into autopilot 

Autopilot on Booster said

Thanks Ben said as booster nodded and got up

Captain can you stop? Nightwing groaned

What? Im just saying i should be in charger of the mission, out of all of you i have better powers, better qualities and better looking Captain atom said rubbing his hair

What does that have anything to do with the mission? Black lightning asked

It doesnt it just does to me Captain atom said

Bro, can you give it a rest? Booster groaned 

I must agree, you are annoying us The atom said

What arent you bothered a teenager is leading us? A bloody teenager! Captain atom said

(Discontinued) 5 years later Ben 10 omniverse and young/ justice league pt2Where stories live. Discover now