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sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny playing over my headsets as Im doing my morning run.

Its been about a month that ive moved to Boston Massachusetts, i love the morning breez and cup of  coffee every day before school.  On my run to the coffee shop is where i mostly see them triplets, Nick, Matt and Chris. As i run from a distance i can't help but admire their kindness. Always helping their mother with groceries and loading the minivan.  

I make my way to the back of the schools parking-lot while i sit inside my Honda waiting for time to pass from a distance i see them. I cant help but enjoy the way they care for each other ... By the time the bell rang i was walking through the hallways on my way to room 207 US History, one of my favorite classes of all time. As Mr.Rodriguez dims the lights and starts the presentation my phone starts buzzing... There goes Edith texting me to meet her in the bathroom, and here i come making my way there, On my way to the bathroom i see Mathew in his grey gym sweatpants and black t-shirt i give a faint smile while he proceeds to do his push-ups. Im not sure if he saw me or not but i tend to be nice to everyone, even if we never speak. 

Earth to Mya ... says Edith while snapping her fingers in my face. Oh hi sorry i was just looking at... Guess what? you wont believe It! she exclaims interrupting me. what? i smile Crissy OMG we where in class, and he sat next to me like aah we where so close to each other we where watching Guardians of the Galaxy and we where holding hands aaah! . She says bursting out smiling and giggling. 

I swear you might give yourself a heart attack. 

No but seriously hes so damn Fine. ..

 Who crissy? ... 

Yes him, anyway yeah i just wanted to let you know that He might make a move and ask me out this weekend so ill have to cancel our plans to the Arcade, hope its fine with you, i mean you can find someone else to go with right?! please say yesss!!

I smile and tell her not to worry about it as we part ways to go back to class. Now who might I ask to go if everyone i know is either busy or dating. 

Bio-med Teacher: I will be putting you guys into groups of five for the next lab project

Group 1:

Elena- Jax-Chris-Sebastian -Maddie

Group 2:

Sofia- Andrea- Alec- Nathan- Nick

Group 3: Mya- Paul- Matt- Carlos- Brian

Thats it the ones who haven't finished the exam wont be in a group until further notice, you may continue the lab. 

I smile at my team, while matt starts putting Gloves on, Brian starts reading Instructions and  paul Is on his phone... 

Brian: So the task is to take the dummies pressure, take a shot and check for pulses... I'll sanitize.

Mya: Got it ! :) i can check the pulse

Matt: I can take the shot and i guess Paul will do pressure.

Mya: got that Paul?

Paul: shut up ! im tryna watch something

My checks start getting red while i start to sweat (God my anxiety is so abnormal at this point i might faint from all this talking that i barely did). Matt turn to look at me while he sees me sweating and red, he turns back at Paul and takes his phone away.

Paul: WTF dude give that back.

Matt: that's no way to speak to her she was just making sure you understood your part of the Project because Its T-E-A-M work, which will be graded as in everyone doing its part and if you want this back do your part and apologize. he said while putting Paul's phone inside his front pocket.

Paul turns to eye sight me while he mouths sorry in a sarcastic way, I started to get red while my vision fogged and heat started flowing my face.  

Matthew comes towards me putting his hand on my back telling me to "Just take small breaths and everything will be fine"... He starts to calm me down as I thank him and Finish my part of the project.... After the class ended Matt ended up returning the phone to Paul which made him slightly lees terrifying. As Matt starts exiting the Class Room I catch up to him. I grab his wrist to hold him back as he slightly turns to see who it was, i smiled at him. "Hey umm i just wanted to thank you, I really appreciate it alott like nobody has ever stood up for me like that" ... "yeah sure no problem"..... " So i have an extra ticket to an Arcade this Saturday, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.. ofc only if you feel comfortable enough....As a thank you for standing up.." he smiles .. " no need for all the appreciation after all that dude was being a total D**k to you, i cant stand a man being rude to a woman.. And Im absolutely flattered that you asked me, but I have to...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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