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After Becky was done changing she came back out of the dressing room and found herself sitting next to Freen once again while waiting for their friends. After about.. an hour later their friends finally came upstairs to try on their outfit and it was best to say everyone understood the assignment. of course they went for pink just like Becky's theme. Freen chuckles as how they look which earned a small slapped from Becky on the arm. "They look good shut up." Becky looked at her friends who was finishing the touch of the suit or the dress.

"Pink is so silly. I cant help but laugh at it." Freen bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing further, Billy was the one who finished first as he sighed and flopped himself on the couch Between Freen and Becky. " 'Sup ladies. Great choice on going with pink." Billy nudged Freen who laughed which made Becky push Billy out of the couch after. "Are you laughing now?" Becky looked at her friend who was groaning on the floor. Freen looked at the man who was on the floor and immediately shut up.

"Exactly." Becky glared at Freen as Billy got up and went over to the others and agreed to go with the fits. Becky and Freen agreed that it was a perfect match for the theme as well so Freen quickly paid for everyone's fits. Now it was her turn to find something. Freen head over downstairs leaving Becky with her friends as she pick out some dresses and suits. "Um.. I'll see that black suit with loosen blazer over there. and this pink dress and also.. that white dress over there." Freen pointed over to what she wanted as the staff member grabbed what Freen had requested.

The brunette walked back upstairs to the changing room and changed into the pink dress first. It was beautiful but it wasn't her style at all she walked out of the changing room and showed her Friends the fit, some of them approved of it and some wanted to see more. Becky didn't even say a word, she was too busy staring at Freen while biting her lip. "Well? Your majesty?" Freen looked over to Becky who snapped out of her own world and sit up straight. "It's pretty.. I'd love to see it on you in a different occasion tho."

Freen nodded and went back into the changing into the white dress she had picked out as well

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Freen nodded and went back into the changing into the white dress she had picked out as well. The dress was a lot more difficult to put on them the other one she struggled but she managed to put it on at the end she came back out and everyone was staring. "Woah." Nam's mouth was wide open as she stared at Freen. Becky on the other hand jaw dropped on the floor like she had never seen Freen before. "I love it.. But it doesn't scream 'Freen Pascal Sarocha Chankimha.' It screams something else. But the dress itself can be for... Buddhist ceremony." Becky smiled as the others approved of her idea as well.

After Freen was done she didn't show the suit she picked for everyone so she basically bought all two dresses and the suit, and went to get the other blueish suit for herself as well in case it was needed

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After Freen was done she didn't show the suit she picked for everyone so she basically bought all two dresses and the suit, and went to get the other blueish suit for herself as well in case it was needed. Everyone changed back into their normal clothes and was ready for a shopping trip and a dinner together. Everyone agrees Becky should go with Freen in Freen's car while the others take their cars, Billy, Kit, Surprise, And Heng will go together. Nam, Earth, Jenna, Irin will go together and Toey And Noey will go together.

Everyone got in the car as Freen went to open the door for Becky as she got in and Freen went over to the driver seat and turned on the engine and start the car. The two followed close behind to Heng's car since they were the second car in the lane of their group. "What's for dinner today?" Becky looked at Freen who was focused on driving and the road. "Um.. Ojo? It's gonna be a little fancy today and I thought about taking a trip you know, tomorrow or tonight until we get to the yacht shop in the morning."

Freen shrugged, Becky was thinking for a minute but the sound of a trip now is nice since she always at the safe house 24/7 there's never go a day she's not in there and hide away from people that wanted her kill. "Who are you going with?" Becky questioned curiously trying to see if she could sneak an invitation for herself to tag along. "Our friends. Do you wanna come?" And That definitely worked. Good Job Rebecca Armstrong. Becky smiled and nodded her head eagerly. "Of course I want to come! But don't drive at night we can go early tomorrow."

Freen nodded her head as she parked the car in the parking lot as they arrived to the mall. Everyone got out of their car including Freen and Becky getting out of theirs as well. "Alright then.. It's settled tomorrow it is. you gotta wake up early though we leave at 7 in the morning and stop for lunch only or stop at the gas station if needed." Freen smiled as the two walked into the mall with the others, Becky couldn't help but cling her arm onto Freen's. Freen didn't mind but she was being professional anyways.

They were looking for a suitable gift from the Groom & Bride to the guest that comes to the party even though it's basically their very close friends from Switz and Thailand as well. Most of all, Freen's people from work and Richie, Becky's brother. They settled on the disposable camera and charger buying it to how many guests that were coming to their wedding. After they were done they were onto some wine tasting and buying some groceries for themselves as well.

A few hours of shopping later it was time for dinner, everyone returned to their car and headed over to the tallest building in thailand to their restaurant Ojo at the top floor. It was safe to say at night it was the most beautiful place ever especially the view of the bottom of the building while they were on the top floor. Everyone ordered their food and two bottles of champagne to celebrate today Freen didn't mind so she didn't say much about it. Everything was going perfectly. The night went perfectly everyone was discussing about their plans for tomorrow and what they were going to wear.

Even barbecue at the beach, Freen and Becky were caught up just sneaking each glance at each other and smiling. Freen tried her best to be professional but being under Becky's control now is harder than she thought. She was falling, deep. It wasn't a good sign especially when she was supposed to be a bodyguard and a husband for duty with no feelings involved, Becky will eventually be back to Switz and be the queen, hell she'll probably marry someone else too. Freen was the last option, no matter what anyone say.

The night ended and everyone returned to their respective home, Freen dropped Becky off at the safe house and went to her house. The whole night she couldn't sleep even if she took some sleeping pills to help her sleep. Her mind was filled with Becky, and how doomed she is by falling for Becky even more. No matter how much she.. was falling for Bevky she must distance herself from Becky she doesn't want to be more vulnerable than she already is now. Keep the distance and keep the feelings deep in her heart, buried as deep as possible.

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