009 || I Spy

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"Lo'ak, I want to go home."

"We can't go right now, it isn't safe"


"I'm sorry, Tuk."


They had sat there for so long, night had fallen before Lo'ak had deemed it safe for them to finally leave. After many apologies and promises, Lo'ak had managed to get Tuk to come out of her hiding spot in his neck, her tears long since dried as well as the rivulets of blood trailing down her face. He had used the dying sunlight to pick out whatever wood splinters that he could, shushing any and all tiny cries that Tuk made, comforting her the only way he could.

He distracted Tuk by playing a game their father had taught them when they were much younger, I Spy he had said it was. To Lo'ak, it had seemed so long ago when they were all just little kids tripping over the tails of their parents, so happy and eager to spend time with them, learning and laughing and loving.

"I spy, with my little eye..." Tuk whispered, her big eyes narrowing as she looked around, hissing lightly as the skin pulled on her wounds, dried blood flaking. "Something... green!"

Lo'ak had just barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes, though he would not have meant any harm with it. It's only since they were in a jungle and basically everything around the was green!

"Mmm," Lo'ak hummed, pursing his lips as he feigned a thoughtful look, squinting his eyes as he looked around them. "Is it... leaves?"

Tuk giggled, though it was more subdued than Lo'ak was used to hearing from her, weighed down and tired. "No! Guess again!"

Lo'ak gave an exaggerated huff, crossing his arms. "Is it... moss?"

Again, Tuk giggled, this one lighter than the one before. "Nope! You got one more left."

"What? C'mon Tuk, you gotta give me a hint! Everything here's green!" he complained, though he was mindful to keep his voice down. Anippe still felt uneasy, so shaken from earlier that she had refused to move from their spot hidden between the dense branches. He smoothed a hand over her leathery skin, pushing whatever comfort he could afford through their bond, hoping that it would help his girl. Anippe rumbled quietly, shaking out her wings a little.

Tuk mirrored his thoughtful look from before, her arms crossing for the added effect. "Oh okayyy," she said, her arms falling to her sides. "But only one!"

"How merciful," Lo'ak sassed, ducking away as he nearly got hit by a little flying fist. "Hey! What's that for?"

"For being a meanie," Tuk retorted, sticking her tongue out at him. This time Lo'ak did roll his eyes.

"Your hint," Tuk continued, unperturbed by her brother's antics. "Is that it's alive."


"Really?" Lo'ak echoed his thoughts. "You gotta be kidding me! We're in a forest!" He threw his arms in the air dramatically, making Tuk burst into a fit of giggles that made Lo'ak's heart ache, made it ache for a time more peaceful than this, more loving.

"You asked for a hint, you never said it had to be specific." Tuk reasoned, sticking her nose in the air as a smug grin spread across her face. Lo'ak could feel Anippe's laughter, or rather the ikran equivalent of it, the deep purr like sound vibrated through her body, he could feel it travel up his legs and spine. His ear twitched at the sensation. Lo'ak felt a little weight lift off his shoulders, this was the most reaction he had gotten from Anippe since they fled the Avatars, she was finally starting to relax.

(DISCONTINUED)Emrey- Survive || Avatar: The Way of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now