Sumiko Tachibani is a shy, sweet, and kind young woman, she lives in the city of Tokyo where her school is. At school, she has a crush on a boy named Aki Torodashi, he is a very simple young man all he does is read at the school library.
Today Sumiko's task is to deliver a packet of biscuits to her crush before summer break, in order to do that she decides to put them in his bookbag before lunchtime along with a handwritten note tied to the packet.
At lunchtime Sumiko follows Aki to the rooftop as it's where he normally eats, Aki discovers the biscuit packet and enjoys the homemade biscuits. To other girls, giving him biscuits is not going to make him love them but to Sumiko, she believes that Aki will like her for the things she is good at.
After school, she meets up with her best friend Mei Akoto. She blushes as she talks about what happened earlier this morning. They walk home together as Sumiko giggles with joy as she finishes her story about Aki.
Back at home, Sumiko fantasizes about marrying Aki when they grow older but quickly brushes it away. Sumiko updates her chart and adds 2% to the love meter. She dreams of Aki as she drifts off to sleep.
Cherry Touch
RomanceA young girl Sumiko Tachibani finds herself in love with a simple boy. Although, she is shy, her progress towards making him fall in love with her is going to be tough, she is determined to make him hers.