The angel he loved

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I wake up to my alarm, I hate that noise. I'm happy it's the last time I'm going to hear it. I get up from my bed, my movements sluggish. I sit up and look around my room, it's small. The floor is littered with clothes, paper and malfunctioning robots that I just couldn't get working. I can hear my parents arguing downstairs. They've been doing that since I was seven, I'm fourteen now. I miss when my parents loved and cared about each other. I miss when they loved and cared about me. You see, when I was younger, I was told that I had the ability to communicate with the undead; Ghosts, angels, demons all that stuff. I was never told that straight to my face though, they told me something like: 'oh my dear, your just special!' Or 'you'll understand when your older Rui my dear.' That kind of stuff. It was all lies. I hate my 'special ability'. None of the ghosts or spirits were ever kind to me, nor were the kids at my school. 

They all say that I'm lying for attention, trying to be the star of every conversation with my little 'faked skill'. It started from emotional bullying to physical bulling. They used to just talk crap about me behind my back, poke fun at me, call me names. That was all in primary school. When I got to middle school, things took a rapid turn. Kids figured out they could do a lot more than just poke fun at me now. They started physically bulling me. It started with little things, shoving, light punches as I walked by. But that quickly changed. It escalated from small to big. They realized I had no way to defend myself, so they started ganging up on me. Another reason they did this was because I'm transgender. There's no such thing as transgender in the place I live in, so they say I'm just confused, that I'll grow out of this 'phase' when I'm older. 

I get up from sitting on my bed, my legs sore and shaky. I walk over to the mirror to get my clothes. I stare at myself. 'I hate my body.' I thought to myself. My messy purple hair. It was about, I'd say, shoulder length. The thing I hate about my hair most though is the two blue streaks that stand out. Bright cyan blue streaks. One in the middle of my forehead and one to the side of my face. My mother always told me that they were just one of the many things that made me unique. I have to say she wasn't wrong, but I'd rather they weren't there at all. 

My skin was a sickly pale with dark eye bags under my eyes. My once shining golden eyes no longer reflected any light. My arms were littered with crimson scars, some from my own hands and some from the robots that I was working on.

My ears started ringing. 'No no no no no! Why now?!' I started to panic. The whispering in my ears. All the ghosts ganging up on me. They would tell me I'm disgusting and horrible. I hate to admit it but I started to believe them. I'm just a disgusting person that shouldn't be here anymore. I'm only a small pebble for people to kick around, not caring about how much it would hurt or how much the pebble protests. I get dressed, trying to ignore all the whispers. I know that later they would turn into complete yelling. Telling me how I don't deserve life and how I'm selfish for still living. I push all those thoughts away and pack my bag for school. 'All my books? Check. Food? I guess check.'

I walk to school, walking past a few people that I used to know. Whispers. I know they weren't just from the ghosts this time though. I'm known as 'The freak' in school. 'The freak' with no friends. 'The freak' with no one to talk to. 'The freak' who's just a cry-baby.

I make it to school and to nobody's surprise, everyone starts whispering. 'Ooo look who just arrived!' 'Why doesn't she just kill herself already?'  Everyone always mis genders me. No one believes that being the opposite gender is a thing, they all say I'm delusional and confused. I start walking a bit faster, looking down to avoid eye contact with people. I decided that the rooftop would be the best place for today. I walk up there and turn the corner and put my stuff down. I sit on one of the benches and take out my sketchbook. Drawing was always a way for me to calm myself down. I sketch the way I feel right now; Empty, trapped, scared. I just want to curl up into a ball and die. No one would know, no one would care. I put my sketch book away and zip up my bag. I just zone out. I see all the spirits and ghosts taunting me. Out of the corner of my eye I see something glowing white. I turn my head, but it quickly disappears. I start to drift off to sleep but I heard the rooftop door open. I look up and staring at me is Praise and her two simps, or well bodyguards as others call them. 

"Well, well, lookie here. If it isn't the freak." She said, clearly emphasising the freak part. "Let's see how much you can handle before you snap like a twig." She snapped at me. I don't know why but she always decided she would take her anger out on me. "I'd rather not..." I mutter. "What was that? You do?" She spoke. Her minions grabbed me and restrained me. She took her drink out of her bag and poured it on my head. "What a pathetic piece of shit, you really are useless." She said as she continued to abuse me. By the end of it, my nose was bleeding and broken, my eye was swollen, and my stomach was sore. I couldn't move. She grabbed my collar and took out a red marker. She wrote the word 'FREAK' in all caps on my forehead. She took a picture and then threw me onto the floor. "This would be a good post on my Instagram ey?" She said to me. She left me bleeding out on the floor and told her two minions to follow her. I lied there motionless until I felt myself pass out.

I woke up and my body wasn't sore anymore. My nose had been bandaged up and my eye was no longer swollen. I get up and look around, it looks around, 5:30pm. My mum is probably waiting for me now. I decided I won't be coming home today though; I won't be coming home ever. I walk over to the railing on the rooftop and step over it. 'It's kind of stupid how its railing and not a chain-link fence.' I thought to myself. I look down at the grass, 'If I jump, would I just go 'SPLAT'?' I wonder. I get ready to jump, breathing in one last time. As I feel I'm about to let myself go, I feel a warm and bright presence. I look up and I see an angel. 

Their hair was a peachy colour faded to a reddish pink; they were slightly transparent with white angelic type clothing.  They were fair skinned and a bit shorter than me. They float over to me and gently embrace me into a hug. They lift me back over the railing and settle me down in their lap. I started to cry, I've never been shown any love or care before. "Shhhh let it out kiddo, it's ok." They whisper in my ear. I start to drift off to sleep gently in their arms.

I woke up the next morning to a cold hard rooftop floor. 'Where had the angel gone?' I wondered as I looked around. I shifted myself to stand up and I felt a wave of motivation go through me. 'I'm going to try today; I don't feel like giving up.' I stand up and go down the rooftop stairs ready for a day of school.

I have to say, it's been a few years since middle school. I'm better than I was before. I still have hope I'll see that angel again. I've taken a liking to directing small shows with the robots I've made. I usually invade phenny-land to do my shows, but the security guards have been on high alert looking out for me. I saw this boy looking at my show, he looked like that angel from 2 years ago. I heard him in school asking if anyone's seen me. I walk up to the rooftop thinking nothing of it. Suddenly I hear the door open, and that boy is there. "TSUKASA TENMA! WORLDS FUTURE STAR! I've seen your shows and I would like to know if you want to join my little theatre troupe?" He asks, his voice booming. "Sure... I'd love to!" I say smiling. He sits down next to me and from then on, he sits with me everyday, eventually becoming my friend.

Words: 1556

A/N: no going over that many words uhhh I'm marking this as mature but I don't really think it needs it anyway, next chapter for 'I'm sorry' should be out soon. Luv u guys❤️ bye.

The angel that he lovedWhere stories live. Discover now