The 3rd Round Discussion

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3rd Hokage: Congratulations on making the final round of the chuunin Exams. However, we have some problems. 

Kankuro: What's the problem get to the point.

Hiruzen: There are too many people than we anticipated so we will have to run the preliminary 1v1 matches to shorten out the field.

Sasuke: How come?

Hiruzen: Feudal Lords and other Kage will be traveling here to view the matches so we must not waste their time. They are coming to see the best of the best.

Naruto: I have a crazy idea how about all of us have a battle royal?

Rock Lee: Yes that sounds like a fabulous idea.

Neji: Facing all the best at the same time seems reasonable.

Hiruzen: The best of the best all fighting at the same time seems interesting. All right then in 30 days for the first time ever the finals of the chuunin exams shall be A BATTLE ROYAL!!!

Naruto: 30 days what gives?

Rock Lee: Yeah?! I'm ready to throw down right now.

Sakura and Tenten smacks them in the back of their heads.

Temari: Obviously they need time for arrangements and invitations to other villages feudal lords and Kage. Which also gives us plenty of time to train and produce the best possible match for the audience.

Hiruzen: Well said Young Hidden Sand Shinobi.

Temari: Thanks Old Gramps we'll be off now!

Hiruzen: WHY YOU!!!! Anyways your all dismissed get to training.

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