Why hurt the ones you care for PT 1

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You wake from your accidental "nap" from the couch. And you hear someone talking, but you can barely hear it.

???: I hope Y/N is ok he's been doing that a lot lately.

???: Who really knows besides himself.

???: Yeah your probably right. I guess I'll just leave it.

You feel like today may just be a good day to see what the five items can do, and so you walk over to the stairs and then into the "guest bedroom"

Luz: Hey Y/N, I was just thinking about a few things, one of them being, are you doing ok with your sleep schedule being all over the place.

Y/N: Luz, look, I know you're just looking out for me, and I thank you for that. Besides, I am seventeen after all, luz.

You walk over to her and give her a hug.

Y/N: Luz, I promise you I will be ok, and absolutely nothing will stop me from protecting you or anyone that I care for.

With that, she hugs back, and after a solid minute later, you two separate.

Y/N: I'll go with you guys today for once. Besides, I've got stuff to try out. I've also been meaning to ask why have you been caring about me so much as of late.

Luz: I just don't want to lose you. You're like a brother to me and maybe more.

She whispered the last part so you could have barely heard it.

Y/N: What exactly was that last part, luz?

She didn't say a thing, so you decided to let it go. You sit down for a second and reflect on all yours and luz's adventures in the boiling isles or in the human realm. All the good times the two of you had being friends.

Y/N: I'll be here if you need me Luz.

To be continued...

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