like not for nothing but youre fucked up and your shit is wrong

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YALL ITS TIME AGAIN OHHHH FUCKING CHRIST HERE WE ARE im excessively angry so this is gonna be good LOL FUCK

listen im REALLLLLL done with people using goddamn ugly shit like "freedom of speech!!!" and "its a free country!!" to justify hate speech or shit that shouldnt be going on in the world because its lgbtqia+phobic/sexist/racist/ect like i need you to walk away and sit down and keep sitting down until youre sitting on the floors of hell like um not today buddy not today not tomorrow not EVER

there is a really fucking big difference between speech and hate speech like its only an opinion until your opinion starts oppressing someone an opinion is only an opinion until it literally starts hurting someone and becomes something like lgbtqia+phobic/racist/ect and helps goddamn push that person down LITERALLY OPPRESS THEM LIKE ????? fuck im SO ANGRY


"trans people shouldnt be allowed to use the changing room/bathroom/ect they want bc there will ALWAYS be someone uncomfortable w it n like #freedom #transpeopledontdeserverights #justmyopinionlol #freedomofspeech"

lets talk about 1) youre cis youve got literally goddamn next to zero fucking say on whats transphobic. why?? well we let white people say what isnt racism and we got slavery out of that so we're kind of not doing that anymore 2) ?????? shut up??? always??? forever??? who let you ever open your mouth holy fucking CHRIST

that trans person also has freedom and surprise lmao we need goddamn equality in this world sorry and you also gotta grow up!!!! its not fucking 1950 anymore lmao!!! and like you think that cis person is uncomfortable w a trans person {yeah trans PERSON dont u dare say fucking "a transgender/a transgendered/a t slur" i will come for u honest to god} being in there???? imagine how it is for that trans person being TERRIFIED that someones going to attack them in there trans people get beaten and raped and goddamn killed every day for going to the bathroom {IVE GOT THE RECEIPTS IF YOU WANT THEM TOO} SO STEP THE FUCK OFF

also that cis person wouldnt be uncomfortable if they werent transphobic and a really shitty human lmao go fix yourself up

so if u act like that dont even call urself a trans ally because trans ally dont make excuses for transphobia and arent okay with stripping trans people of their rights :)

that got so off track from like "this isnt freedom" to me just tearing that entire thing down for so many reasons

but anyways its juust like ??? you saying that x group of people dont deserve rights isnt freedom of speech or *~*~just ur opinion~*~* thats fucked up shit n i hear it so mUCH and i could yell about this more but i wore myself out there will probably b a part 2 to this sometime or itll be editted im just Done As Fuck

this was like probably less of an educational chapter and more of a hey like fuck your feelings chapter

tdlr; freedom of speech n all that jazz only goes so far i hope this helped u or something

sincerely a very tired and angry nonbinary trans person xoxo

{if u have questions i promise i wont like eviscerate u i just get angry over things sometimes u would too ok}

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