There is something ofcourse
His smiles say it all
He isn't all talk
I won't be able to cushion this fall.And yet he makes me want to believe
What with the idea of being the one
as the warm gaze envelops me
daring me to feel yet again the emotions that had been all he can think about , he says
why then am I such a sceptic, why
rejoice i could but somethind doesn't allow me
and i can"t even let the passion lie.Am damaged that way, thingts aren't lively just always
but something about his smile says he already knows
dripping with sincerity ,speaking volumes
he is in for real, it just shows.Amidst crinkling eyes and just as a friend,
he says soo much , he says so much.
nothing more, I say again and again.
then why do tingles run at his touch?I don't even know what it is that I feel
and then I feel wrong to have done this.
Why can't I morph into something less vulnerable,
or just forfiet the notion that ignorance is bliss.Of all this passion and all this misery
I'll just let it be, the things that make me go senile.
Maybe its all inmy head, and maybe it:ll go away,
but all things said, he does have a precious smile.